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xianjiro's avatar


I've been thinking what to say about In the Family and come up with few easy answers. Liked the pacing but it ran long. Loved the way the scenes were shot and how the camera exposed character emotion but occasionally felt out of the loop. Especially loved that the message of the film is left for the viewer to divine from within viewer's own heart.

It's a story about people, who, in trying to do what they think is best, lose sight of things like mutual respect, compassion, understanding, and most importantly, the things they actually agree on - instead allowing differences to pull them apart. It's not about the hero on impossible quest overcoming injustice at whatever cost. No, it's about how friends help friends and, most importantly, how to get the right answers we first need to figure out the real questions - and here good guidance is critical.

It's a quiet film. Not pedantic. The viewer isn't beaten up side the head with a message though the filmmaker clearly wants us to ask questions about the kind of world we want to live in.

Intelligent, thoughtful, and thought provoking - well worth the effort to maintain interest throughout the length of the film as long as one is aware this isn't entertainment. This is cinema - thought provoking cinema. True art. To be admired and digested. It will inspire other artists but leave the superpowers and things-that-explode crowds drowning in boredom.
8 years 9 months ago
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