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Siskoid's avatar


Jewel Robbery is a short puff piece, but if you're going to put William Powell in a pre-Code heist movie, I'm there for it no matter how slim. He stars as a suave and witty gentleman thief who robs a jewelry store and decides to also steal the heart of a bored baroness who is among the establishment's patrons. It's all very flighty, where crime and adultery are a lark not to be taken seriously. I suppose the biggest pressure on your suspension of disbelief is the role reefer plays in the movie (like I said, it's pre-Code), in particular how no one can tell it's not cigarette smoke because cinema is an odorless medium. It's all very naughty, with sly sex jokes thrown in for good measure (I burst out laughing at one point), though admittedly, and with all due respect to Kay Francis, Jewel Robbery only really gets going when Powell shows up. She's the protagonist, but he's the story engine. But then, she might surprise you too. Silly transgressive fun.
5 years 1 month ago
Duke of Omnium's avatar

Duke of Omnium

Ah, pre-Code films, when a director could make larceny and adultery seem frivolous (or even virtuous).

Not much substance to this, but Powell and Francis, the principals, seem to have fun together, and this works very well, if you don't examine the plot too closely.
9 months 3 weeks ago
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