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Siskoid's avatar


Josh Kirby... Time Warrior: Chapter 2, The Human Pets - subtitles run rampant - is the second part of a 6-telefilm story made in the mid-90s, about a teenager who gets embroiled in a quest to find the segments of the Key to Time (pretty much exactly) going through space and time on various adventures trying to keep apace of the tale's villain. Guys, it is terrible on every level. First and foremost, there's the format, which necessitates a 5-minute recap at the beginning and still leaves you confused. If each movie has its own story, Chapter 2 actually spends half its running time bringing Chapter 1's to a conclusion (in the Middle Ages) before moving on to Kirby and friends becoming the toys of a giant alien baby. It's a mess. But please, throw in a creepy nearly inanimate animatronic troll doll companion, 90s CG, juddering stop-motion, badly-choreographed fights, dull pacing, sets that bend under the actors' weight, terribly campy performances (that's a generous evaluation), annoying music, lame dialog, comic sans graphics, unconvincing situations, rubber masks without an inkling of expression, and unclear "what is going on here?" moments. The series trailer pretty much tells me where this is all going and I don't think I'd be missing anything by not experiencing it.
8 years 2 months ago
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