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Siskoid's avatar


A semi-supernatural Japanese revenge picture with Meiko Kaji starring? Blind Woman's Curse gives you every expectation that it will be like Lady Snowblood. Until you look at a calendar and realize this is before Snowblood, before even Prisoner 701. So Kaji isn't the avenger, she's the target of the blind woman she once wronged. It's still a little as if Lady Snowblood crashed into Kwaidan, with a horror vibe that's sometimes slashery, sometimes expressionistic, but at odds with the yakuza setting. In fact, while there's some good cinematography and cool fights, the film's genre mash-up feels rather haphazard and needlessly complicated. Not only must Kaji's yakuza boss contend with a ghostly curse, but also a competing clan. And then there's the fact that the movie can't decide on who is its protagonist. By rights, it should be the Blind Woman. In reality, it's Kaji. But for large parts of the story, it's a reformed gangster putting his life at risk (Makoto Satō). There are three films here competing for attention. They're all pretty cool, but together make for a chaotic experience.
3 years 5 months ago
TimA1030's avatar


aka Blind Woman's Curse
4 years 9 months ago
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