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nimimerkillinen's avatar


Title translates to something like Pine cone under the back. (As in human back)
6 years 8 months ago
jutuomin's avatar


I was pretty sure I wouldn't like the movie, but figured to check it out just for the website's sake. It's though of being an old Finnish classic, but I thought it's probably outdated film from a time when there were practically any films about young people in Finland.
But boy was a wrong! It's an amazing film. It's about 4 youngster who go camping in Finland and therefore go into an almost 2 hours of plotless nothingness. The film doesn't have any clear goal, nor does it seem to give any kind of lessons or morals. It's just a film about young people walking and talking all edited together. And because of that it's actually pretty interesting to watch.
I can definitely recommend anyone to watch the film. Also would say that the English title (Skin, Skin), is pretty awful. Although I couldn't translate "Käpy selän alla" to English either so perhaps it's as good as one can get.
8 years 11 months ago
nicolaskrizan's avatar


Voyeuristic, modernist, aimless.

8 years 4 months ago
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