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Moresbi's avatar


Ok... where to start? :O
As a videogame (which is what it mostly looks like), it seems half-decent, even if the cheatmode is clearly on. :D
As a movie... at times, there are some nice/interesting action scenes and camera work but MOSTLY, those same aspects are messy and, well, expendable.
Too long, too surreal and, IMO, uninteresting... seriously, there's very little credibility or worthwhile plot going on here.
It's all about the videogaming experience, with obvious flaws.
Personally, I was hoping it to end midway through, so I DON'T recommend it except for diehard fans of videogaming and action flicks. And yes, I watched both Hardcore Henry and The Villainess and I thought they were better.
1 year 10 months ago
graves's avatar


bizarre video game graphics of a movie. some nice set pieces but mainly trash. watch with some beers, it's wasted time otherwise.
1 year 10 months ago
wederbrand's avatar


This is pure rubbish. The camera man/CGI/cutter/whatever did a semi-good job but in the end it totally lacks story, coherence and meaning. I started scrubbing most of the action scenes after the first hour, finishing the 2 hour movie in 90 minutes ;)
1 year 9 months ago
samoan's avatar


Really good non-stop action movie. 2 hours of pure adrenaline fun. Highly recommended if you like action movies but the shaky cam might make some people motion sick. Overall though it was great, not a dull moment in the movie and kept me wondering where it was going next. The real time aspect to the action makes it that much more exhausting but fun to watch.
1 year 10 months ago
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