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lachyas's avatar


Tries very hard to be a clever, non-linear dark comedy , but when everything's been said and killed three times it's not funny enough, not dark enough, and definitely not clever enough. It is non-linear though, I'll give it that. I love seeing Australian films attract international talent, but the script doesn't really give Pegg enough to work with, and no matter how many times they play that bass riff while he's on screen I just don't buy him as a bad-ass assassin. There are enjoyable moments sprinkled throughout the 90 minutes, and the way things all come together in the end justifies the unconventional narrative structure, but the overall product is decidedly underwhelming and forgettable.
9 years 3 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Silly fastmoving dark comedy crime movie. Easy 90minutes
4 years 10 months ago
Neens's avatar


Couldn't hold my interest. Good casting, though.
3 years ago
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