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Zeltaebar's avatar


Clearly an attempt to cash in on the popularity of Star Wars, this expensive fantasy were broght to life without any big name actors - suggesting that most of the money was thrown on the visual effects who are interesting if not always impressive. However, some scenes and ideas are just bad. The comic side kick in the shape of an inept wizard is sometimes Jar Jar Binks annoying, while some plot elements seem dumb and are never explained, like why not use that magical and extremely powerful disc weapon earlier? But the visual effects provide plenty of eye candy and the scene with the Queen of the Web is really good and even emotional.
9 years 9 months ago
Jonas2k's avatar


So much fun.
10 years 2 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


When I first saw Krull in theaters, I was 12 and was fascinated by it. Heck, I was fascinated with the trailer and that cool throwing star (calling it a glaive shows the writers know nothing about weaponry though). When I saw it on TV (admittedly with a dingy presentation) as an adult, I thought it was terrible. Watching it now, in context with other fantasy films of the era and in its proper format, I... kind of like it again. It's got big structural problems - there's a lot of assembling the crew (cod Lord of the Rings) and rarely is there an obstacle of note to Prince Colwyn's plans, so it's a little like watching a fantasy hero go to the mall - but the world-building isn't unpleasant. Star Wars riffs or not (and if you're doing that, a strong princess is a good one), mixing fantasy and space opera is an intriguing idea, and I grok those crazy organic sets. Among the cast assembled, the brigands are, in hindsight, a star-studded lot led by New Tricks' Alun Armstrong and including distinctive roles for Liam Neeson and Robbie Coltraine. I once thrilled to the effects, then bashed them publicly, but now I think they're uneven, sure, but mostly cool and interesting. Redeemed!
2 years 2 months ago
moviefan28's avatar


I enjoyed this as a kid but not so much now
5 years 8 months ago
mook's avatar


A genre mashup of Swords & Sorcery, Fantasy & SciFi. It could be an enjoyably bad Quest story but its just far too long. 3/10.

Follow me on Twitter @LastFilmSeen
11 years 9 months ago
the3rdman's avatar


Not an original concept in here. What an amalgamation of crap!
12 years ago
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