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dombrewer's avatar


This short animation, originally a DVD bonus feature, sits between the first and second "Kung Fu Panda" movies chronologically as well as critically - it's nowhere near as funny as the original, but is more entertaining than the limp sequel, so it's worth watching if you liked the former even if you were disappointed, as I was, by the latter. It's really perfect for kids as it has a simple but positive message about the best way to become an highly effective killing machine.

Po takes a class of young bunnies in their first Kung Fu lesson and attempts to explain the skills his five animal comrades had to learn to become Kung Fu masters - patience, self belief, compassion, humility etc etc. The animation style of the five flashbacks is 2D, the wraparound story 3D, and both look good and work well - and Jack Black and Dustin Hoffman return for vocal duties. A perfectly respectable 26 minutes if you like your animation harmless, fat, furry and black & white.
11 years 1 month ago
Joker of Gotham's avatar

Joker of Gotham

Bookers fave five is better than the furious five
12 years 2 months ago
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