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caley's avatar


How was the first 45 minutes unnecessary? It sets up the entire film by giving you a look at the various characters and then turns it on its head by having the toughest amongst them being the first to lose his courage.

Great film, amazing suspense and perfect performances.
12 years 12 months ago
Forrester's avatar


One of the best thrillers I've ever seen. The first 45 minutes are a bit slow, but it's meant as an introduction of the characters. After that the film kicks off and the suspense builds up continuously. There were moments in this film that had me gasping for air, it was that tense. The acting is very good and you can really feel the fear of the characters. This is definitely 'the best movie Hitchcock never made'.
12 years 5 months ago
tomsalad's avatar


Wow, what a submersive film, almost as if we were actually along for the ride with the characters. My heart was literally pounding during some scenes.
13 years 11 months ago
akuma587's avatar


This movie is better than 99% of the action movies that come out today.
14 years 4 months ago
tapiridae's avatar


The ending of this movie, beautifully shot and edited as it is, pissed me off. The rest of the movie is brilliant. The introduction is definitely not useless. It's needed to develop an emotional connection with the characters and understand their motivations.
12 years 4 months ago
grit's avatar


The ending is debatable for sure, I just watched it and dont know what to think of it yet. One thing is sure; it will be in my memory for the rest of my life, if only for the parts before it
12 years 7 months ago
stexdo's avatar


Fantastic! During the movie you feel the fear and heat and the constant blaring of the engine like you are riding the truck yourself. What anxiety!
10 years 1 month ago
jmars's avatar


That ending sucked. But I can't say it shouldn't have been there. The film is about what might happen if you tempt fear.
10 years 9 months ago
distilledw's avatar


@ Mackmannen, I think the opening 45mins is totally necessary, the boring-ness and the mundane life in that village makes everything that follows 100times more exciting.
13 years 7 months ago
Tiago Costa's avatar

Tiago Costa

"What was beyond the fence?"

Well, that was a punch straight to the gut.

The Wages of Fear AKA Bicycle Thieves on Steroids is a movie that shows just how far one would go in order to put food on the table. It's an intense thriller that begins at a very slow pace but, once the slow burning fuse runs out, it explodes into a ridiculously suspenseful 90 minute ride of chaos.

The four central characters of Wages of Fear are Bimba, Jo, Luigi, and Mario. They are four men from a small desert town somewhere in Central America. They, and the people around them, live in poverty and when the opportunity to make some beaucoup bucks arrives at their doorstep, the four men volunteer without hesitation. The catch is that the four have to transport two large trucks carrying a ton of nitroglycerin (a very explosive substance) 300 miles so that it can be used to extinguish a fire at an oil field. The catch to that catch is that the 300 miles leading there are full of dangerous terrain and the tiniest little “bump” could make one of the trucks blow sky-high.

In the movie’s first hour, things are really calm (sometimes a bit too calm) as the four main characters are introduced and they’re all given a good bit of character development here. Bimba is the super calm and super cool discount Rutger Hauer (and my personal favorite character in this). Jo is the ex-gangster that talks the talk but may not be able to walk the walk. And, finally, Luigi and Mario are not two plumbers, unfortunately, but are two close friends that live together. Mario has a woman that he enjoys spending time with, named Linda, and her biggest concern in the movie is Mario returning safely back into her arms from this treacherous mission.

The number one thing that Wages of Fear gets right is tension. It doesn't start kicking in until about 60 minutes into the movie but, once it does, it never lets up, unless it’s to set up another scene of unbearable suspense. The movie did a fantastic job of making me feel concerned for the characters and their plight and knowing that they were all sitting on a ticking timebomb gave the whole thing this ridiculous sense of dread and unpredictability.

The Wages of Fear is an explosive treat from beginning to end that manages to rev up the intensity to 11 and then 12.

It's the bomb.
8 years 2 months ago
xrobin87x's avatar


one of the best endings ever!
13 years 1 month ago
Siskoid's avatar


Le Salaire de la peur (The Wages of Fear) perhaps takes too long getting its characters on the road, but once they are, you're in for a series of suspense set pieces like no other. Two trucks must take a shipment of nitroglycerin across a 300-mile obstacle course to deal with an emergency, and only through bravery and cleverness will they be able to navigate the terrain safely. With a certain existentialism pervading the film, you don't give them good odds of succeeding. And though obviously, the actors aren't carrying real explosives, the action nevertheless looks dangerous. The trucks are really put in precarious positions, and the actors too. It's 1953, and it's all done for real (give or take the South of France playing South America, not that you can tell). Though I quite enjoy Luigi and Bimba in the second truck, it's really Mario's and Jo's (Yves Montand and Charles Vanel) story, the latter a bully who seems to have the required nerve, the former whose man crush on Jo turns him into a sycophant. At least, that's their starting point, and it doesn't take long for Mario to reassess the dynamic. The Wages of Fear makes some odd decisions at times - it's first act is too long, it features an anti-climax or two, and you might resent its coda - yet there is value in each of those decisions and consequent moments I wouldn't want to do with, so... history has proven Clouzot correct in making them.
1 year 11 months ago
morti-viventi's avatar


Love horror and thrillers. This is the only film that’s ever actually scared me as an adult. It should go down as the greatest film ever made. I think of the other contestants, and find you have to transport yourself to their era to appreciate them. This thing remains effective in 2019.
4 years 4 months ago
LMTR14's avatar


great film
10 years 6 months ago
nestorjal's avatar


Unforgettable ending!
12 years 7 months ago

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