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Batch1nyy's avatar


Awesome, hilarious movie. Everyone is great in this movie, wish more movies like this could get made today.
5 years ago
Siskoid's avatar


Long Shot can't escape its romcom structure, but I do like all the actors involved, and Canadian National Treasure Seth Rogan and World Treasure Charleze Theron have a lot of chemistry. Plus, if you take away the drug stuff and the lucky romance, I've kind of BEEN Rogan's character, the intensely-integrious speech writer/coms officer who blows up at his boss for betraying their values and moreover, the OFFICE'S values. This movie wears its politics on its sleeve and I appreciate that. It also has a pretty fun recurring gag about Canadian Premier Justin Trudeau (under a different name, but still), and some pretty adult, serious relationship moments. And it somehow manages to present a real political story while also taking place in a slightly ridiculous world (but absurdly, it's not that far off reality). At over two hours, it sometimes lags, but far less than I expected. Like most of Rogan's comedy, it has a lot of heart, and I'm always forgiving of the stuff I don't think works very well when there's a lot of heart.
4 years 12 months ago
CodeV's avatar


For me Seth Rogen is a pioneer of new movie genre 'romantical political satire' (though he's a producer not director).
This movie has intelligent political and social background so you don't need to laugh out loud all the time but there are many good jokes and you have the feeling that you have seen something good.
Multiple references to 90's like Beverly Hills 90210 or Roxette.
Both Charlize and Seth are an excellent couple together.
4 years 12 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Better than expected romantic comedy. First 45minutes are really fun. Than it falters a bit and becomes more standard Seth Rogan routine. But overall pretty good.
1 year 7 months ago
Cynicus Rex's avatar

Cynicus Rex

Dope comedy. Not among my favorites, but it gave me some honest laughs. The writers amused themselves and didn't merely attempt to give what the audience wants; you can sense that the cast was feeling it too. My wariness for just another generic comedy was fortunately a false alarm.
3 years 11 months ago
Ferneu's avatar


- predicatable romance
- decent comedy

but lost all points for the stupid spoilers. There are things one just is not allowed to spoil. Yes, I am talking about A Song Of Ice And Fire.

Stupid Martin. Should have finished the books and only then sold the rights...
4 years 8 months ago
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