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John Milton's avatar

John Milton

For those who speak French, the old YouTube link still works. I've been to Spinalonga twice or thrice, in the mid nineties to mid 2000's. Depending on your guide, you could get quite a different story. The image Viktor Zorbas painted was kind of a sweeping dramatic account, martyring Spinalonga into a methaphor for contemporary attitudes. It made quite an impression on my youthful ears at the time. The circumstances on the Island described to us by the guide that we had some years later however, were vastly different, and seemed more of a historical account. Anyone visiting and really interested in the history, better read up themselves. This documentary is a good start!

Too bad they renovated the housings now, which emphasizes the tourist attraction part of it, instead of the historical value. Through the years, everything got renovated and painted in bright coulors, as can be seen in the video on Zorbas' website. What a shame.
8 years 7 months ago
Lumen's avatar


Very interesting documentary. The filming is really good, focussing on the old walls, the destitute, abandonned houses, and a general feeling of being locked up in Spinalonga.
It feels strangely honest (especially compared to many other documentaries focussing on excluded people or people with unfortunate conditions) and I'd be curious to see the reactions of the interviewed man.
The narrators question their own interests in the freakiness and reflect upon the phenomenon of social exclusion. Because that is what this docu is about, lepra is an extreme metaphor, but don't we lock away old people, get mentally ill people out of or worlds...?
8 years 5 months ago
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