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unterwasser's avatar


I made a list with the movies used in the film: https://www.icheckmovies.com/lists/los+angeles+plays+itself/unterwasser/

If you spot any mistakes leave a comment on the list page.
5 years 2 months ago
boudu's avatar


It has been released in the Festivals circuit and I guess that since it is not under copyright rules, it can be shared for non commercial reasons.
12 years ago
thefilmstage's avatar


It's now streaming on Netflix, U.S. at least.
9 years 6 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


I don't know why movie clip documentaries like Los Angeles Plays Itself use droning voices for narration, but it always seems to be the case. It's doubly strange that though this examination of Los Angeles in film has an opinionated essayist tone, writer-director Thom Andersen doesn't supply his own voice, but has someone else drone-read them. What do I know, maybe he has a stutter or, like most people, just doesn't like the sound of his own voice on tape. I'll tell you something else he doesn't like: How his city is portrayed by Hollywood. Though there are some highlights for him (good thing too, because you could almost believe growing up in Hollywood's radius has soured him on the medium entirely), his thesis is that generally, Los Angeles is only "L.A.", a background space, a sort of fictional gangland, a place film makers either misunderstands or actively disdain. Compare it to New York - there aren't very many "love letters" to Los Angeles. Andersen goes into exacting detail - the doc is nearly three hours long! - using clips from a couple hundred movies to make his points. And I get it, y'know? While I appreciate the history of the town, its neighborhoods and buildings, there's a sort of universality there. There aren't a WHOLE LOT of film or television productions made in my area, but I'm often disappointed by them. They come off as reductive, partial, and more often than not, insulting. +½ star for talking so much about Blade Runner.
6 months 1 week ago
mattjacobs188's avatar


Really enjoyed this documentary. Interesting viewing.
2 years 3 months ago
Ray Anselmo's avatar

Ray Anselmo

A fascinating subject, a wonderful concept and terrific editing. It would be a 9 or 10 if it wasn't dragged down by the most excessively cynical narration I've ever heard. (Dude, this isn't The Battle of Chile, ease up.) Still worth watching - it would just be better if the creators liked their own subject more. 7.5/10
2 years 9 months ago
Alias's avatar


This was never officially released. How did the people who checked this saw this?
12 years 5 months ago
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