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baraka92's avatar


Classic Oscar bait-biopic. Aimless, long and pompous. The cinematography feels overdone because it doesn't have much meaning behind it. There's no insight on what made Bernstein a towering figure in the world of music; it focuses only on his personal life but never chooses an angle to latch on and therefore the dynamic between him and Felicia gets repetitive very quickly. Also, Cooper sounds like he has a perpetual flu.

And when I thought this movie couldn't be more annoying, near the end, it topped itself with one of the worst needle drops in movie history.

It starts... things happen... then it ends.
4 months 3 weeks ago
chunkylefunga's avatar


This film couldn't suck up to the Oscars more if it tried.

Plus is doesn't actually give you any real insights into what Bernstein a genius.
2 months 1 week ago
Caerus's avatar


The first sign of trouble is the grand cinematic opening setting up his big break as a musician, but then it cuts away without even bothering to show it.

I don't even know what to focus on, that was just terrible top to bottom. "A closeted gay man, who seems to have had an unrelenting cold for 50 years and may or may not work in the music industry, repeatedly cheats on his wife". In no particular order:

We really don't see any of his passion for music until 90 minutes in, in possibly the only good scene in the movie. The surface-level biography of "Bernstein did this, then this, then this" without touching on his motivations, beliefs, or values. The second half of the film focuses more on Felicia but we don't know anything about her outside of the relationship. The wanna-be Sorkin grand monologues that manage to say absolutely nothing in 200 words. Cooper's bad SNL-esque impersonation of the man (look up some real interviews with him). It tries to convince us of his musical genius by scoring the film with music from other, better productions; but the net effect is nothing ever really fits the scene.

Then when things are mercifully drawing to a close, it tops it off with the worst needle drop I've ever seen. A better movie might have been able to pull that off, but not one that lost the audience 90 minutes earlier.

There are a couple small bright spots - the cinematography is excellent, particularly the early black and white sequences, and Carey Mulligan is always fantastic.
3 months ago
Torgo's avatar


This needs to stop
3 months ago
clarafpicado's avatar


I was expecting something much better.

The acting was great, the directing was good, and the cinematography gives us an old-movie feeling that I love but...it lacks a lot and due to that, it's just a well-done movie and nothing else.

The script wasn't interesting enough to keep me watching but I still did expecting it to become better - it didn't, it got more monotonous with time which doesn't necessarily mean an uninteresting script but in this case, it did. If everything else was incredible it would balance the script, but just because something is technically well done doesn't mean it will be good.

Maybe the reason why the movie didn't work is because it was obviously made to run for the Oscars and a lot of what makes a movie great was forgotten.
4 months ago
LORD HORROR's avatar


Gave up on this. Too oscar needy.
4 months ago
Luggen's avatar


It's a very well made movie about the family- and work struggles of a very successful person. Well directed, well shot, well acted.
But after seeing the movie I still don't know much about Bernstein though. His merits and imprint on music.
I feel I need to watch a documentary about him to fill in the gaps.
Possibly this is the biopic that should have come AFTER the documentary, like we often see how a successful documentary often gets a dramatized re-telling of the subject matter a few years after.
3 months 1 week ago
boulderman's avatar


There were brief flourishes but it's a n average film and below average biopic not a great one I felt. Maybe too subdued drama. The noise was fine for me. The deep nasally voice grated a bit.

Yes the family gave their blessing but it's been made/controlled for them not an audience. Rather rambling
1 month ago
Limbesdautomne's avatar


Unless your name is Laurence Olivier or Orson Welles, never let an actor direct a biopic. He will make a impersonators show out of it.

Dress up in your most beautiful fake nose and come read me on La Saveur des goûts amers.
4 months 3 weeks ago
darth_nevets's avatar


Very affecting portrait of a great artist. Doesn't even try to justify his greatness, but to look at the thought process that made him arrive. While it would have been nice to focus on his individual works most would be over theatrical runtime. But we don't need an explainer about West Side Story, because the artist is the subject and not the art.

The hardest part is that you'd have to be a big fan of his and his life and accomplishments to even try to grasp the story. References to Americana composer and fellow gay man Aaron Copland are literally fleetingly referenced, and the movie's biggest scene is an argument about a time and place not shown in the film.
4 months 2 weeks ago
mterry1988's avatar


I really loved the film. Beautiful production design, and cinematography. Cooper & Mulligan were whimsical and brilliant. Lovely addition to Cooper’s directorial filmography.
4 months 2 weeks ago
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