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crcurran's avatar


Some of the dialogue was interesting but, come on, it was boring and Mariel Hemmingways character at 17 years old attraction to Woody Allen, 42, is bewildering. I even found him hanging outside the high school creepy. Think of it this way, why was her character 17? What did it add to the movie that a 23 year old character in college couldn't have done for the story.
11 years ago
Zeltaebar's avatar


Manhattan is a beautifully shot piece of film with stunning, black-and-white, haunting images and the supporting performances in this movie are spectacular, especially the sweet Mariel Hemingway. Woody Allen plays his usual neurotic and self-centered urbanite. He is the protagonist of the movie and as such should hold our sympathy during the entanglements in the latter part of the movie, but because of his selfish streak, he becomes quite unbearable. There is much truth and identification-material in his character however, though unpleasant as that may well be. Woody Allen's trademark comedy flows as an undercurrent throughout the movie, usually derived from his character's snappy remarks and well-crafted dialogue, but is more clever than funny.
9 years 4 months ago
mi-16evil's avatar


Certainly this film is well acted and expertly written but I think what really shines is the absolute stunning beauty of it. Some shots are simply some of the best frames in film history. Gordon Willis is a god of cinematography and this is probably his best work (yes even better than The Godfather movies).

Simply put this movie is porn for black-and-white film aficionados.
12 years 10 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


As a story, Woody Allen's Manhattan is, especially in retrospect, incredibly self-serving, but then so are a lot of his films. spoiler If I make abstraction of all that, Manhattan contains some of Allen's wittiest dialog, and of course, the cinematography is gorgeous, making cityscapes epic, and filling interiors with composed perfection.
4 years 3 months ago
lionel42's avatar


Woody's more neurotic than ever.
Enjoyed this better than Annie Hall, but still don't 'bond' with his movies.
There are certain times when it makes me laugh out loud, and others when its pretentious lines really annoy me.
11 years 10 months ago
dombrewer's avatar


I agree with Woody - I've never liked this film very much either. Compared to the sparkling script for Annie Hall it feels lacking and the central relationship, as many have already said, is never completely convincing and more than a bit creepy.
12 years 4 months ago
brian_fuller's avatar


Woody Allen’s dramedy lampoons the inconsequential urban neuroses that would popularize Seinfeld a decade later. Inasmuch as it indicts cafe society’s hollow peccadilloes — intellectual, artistic, relational, financial — Manhattan might be understood as La Dolce Vita’s playful younger sibling. The Writers Guild of America included it (and six [!] other Woody Allen scripts) in its list of 101 Funniest Screenplays.

Perhaps more important than its plot — in which longing and regret constitute and reconstitute various romantic pairings — the film is an atmospheric love letter to New York. Cinematographer Gordon Willis’s Gotham is a series of widescreen postcards edited by Susan Morse to complement the music of George Gershwin. The city’s monochromatic timelessness is easily reason enough to justify Manhattan’s 2001 induction into the National Film Registry.
7 years 11 months ago
NuclearPlanet's avatar


I Love Woody Allen. I remember watching this the first time and not liking it. Over time, I've learned to love it a little bit more.
11 years 11 months ago
airi86ja's avatar


13 years 4 months ago
tigh66's avatar


Allen's Vertigo. His best, and most autobiographical. The last scene with Tracey and Isak is the most mature Allen has ever been.
13 years 5 months ago
Esnaider's avatar


Once more I am made to admire the work of a disgusting old white man
This has age so poorly, they even say WC Fields movies are good
Cinematography is certainly exceptional, but the creepiness of the relationship with a 17 year old its just too much, there are some misogynist moments regarding both Diane Keaton and Meryl Streep characters
It could be better if it wasn't for people openly encouraging pedophilia, and the ending just ruins any growth the main character might have gottten
Sometimes funny
3 years 11 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


So good. Woody Allen really captures the restless nature of the search for love. The seemingly never ending collage of desires and the tiring of those desires. The familiarity of an old love can be at once inticing to want to return to but is also the very same thing that creates the urge to seek new relationships. Many films seek to say something along these lines but this is a standout.
6 years 2 months ago
buteberry's avatar


Woody Allen, thanks for being so honest. And you are an...
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8 years 11 months ago
NourNasreldin's avatar


After watching a good amount of films starring Woody Allen; I discovered that I tend to become repelled by seeing him on screen. I love all his other films, the ones he fortunately did NOT star in.

The film is very enjoyable with some incredible shots of Allen's favorite city. The shots are mesmerizing. I also lately realized that Woody Allen uses a LOT of Lock Down shots in his films and I'm glad because I personally am a fan of this particular camera shot.

All in all good, very close in style, characters and acting to Annie Hall which I liked but didn't love.
10 years 3 months ago
Dieguito's avatar


Some great shots, but I've expected much more
10 years 4 months ago

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