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petriuc's avatar


It falls in the generic "insert movie title" starring Jason Statham , but it was exactly what I expected and it never pretended to be something else. So if you want to turn off your brain and watch a fun movie , give this one a go.
7 years 9 months ago
Eagleheart's avatar


I don't get all the hate on this one. Sure, it is a typical action movie, but there is nothing wrong with it. It is actually executed very well. The acting and cine are great and it is exciting. Nothing in it was over-the-top ridiculous either.

It's not fantastic, but most movies coming out these days are far worse than this. It's worth a watch.
7 years 8 months ago
stickyfloor's avatar


What would be awesome cast and production values for an action B-movie is wasted on horrible writing. I'm not asking for a lot from the plot, but there were just too many issues the destroy the suspension of disbelief. Strictly speaking of the action, I only found one sequence really entertaining, with the rest falling between passable and laughable. Unless you are the ultimate Statham fan, skip it.
7 years 6 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Jason Statham is back as super-prepared hitman Arthur Bishop in Mechanic: Resurrection, brought out of requirement by hook and by crook, having to kill three international weapons dealers under pain of seeing his new girlfriend Jessica Alba killed. The movie is aware that its plot is unambitious, but that doesn't excuse its set-piece-to-set-piece structure. And since the targets are all bad dudes, there's really no moral teeth to it. So what saves Mechanic 2 is that the kills and action gags are entertaining and unusual, and Statham scores a lot of points just through his presence and athleticism. Bonus points for Michelle Yeoh being in it, even in a non-action role. Points off for Tommy Lee Jones who I feel is always playing the same character. And null game for Alba who seems a bit wet for the former solider she's supposed to be playing. Shame about the horrendous green screen stuff.
2 years 8 months ago
Earring72's avatar


I like Statham but this was dreadfull. BAD story, stupid inlogcal action scenes and WTF is oscar winner TL JOnes doing?
6 years 5 months ago
missdaisy14's avatar


Story: 2/10.
The first 30 minutes was kind of dragging. I wished I could fast forward some parts. Ugh. Both characters' relationship is so awkward.I still enjoyed the action scenes.

7 years 4 months ago
ikkegoemikke's avatar


"I spend my whole life settin' people up to die Let's set you up to live."


Believe me, I'm an avid fan of Jason Statham and won't refuse to watch a film in which his muscularity appears. In addition, I also realize that a real Jason Statham movie won't ask much effort from your brain. Most of his films are brainless movies in which a lascivious, well-formed beauty occurs from time to time. In addition, Statham's talents as an action figure and practitioner of martial arts is extensively demonstrated in these movies. And that's exactly what you can admire in "Mechanic: Resurrection". The film has just begun and Statham already needs to dig up his fighting techniques. Unfortunately, the rest of the film is of a pitifully low level. It's rather a mind below zero movie with a totally meaningless and paper thin story, ridiculous developments and forced interactions between the main actors.

Well, there's always something to complain about. Statham playing a character part as in "Hummingbird" with less emphasis on the action, is also a reason for some to start grumbling. And in this movie there's a lot of fighting going on. But isn't that actually the main reason why we watch a Staham movie? Those brutal fight scenes where he uses every attribute he can lay his hands on? An absence of high quality dialogues and his static facial expression is part and parcel. The problem lies in the overarching story interwoven with the three subplots. The three murders Arthur Bishop (Jason Statham) has to commit in a sinecure way (so that it looks like an accident) have been worked out masterfully. It's like watching three "MacGyver" episodes. And the second one is the most hallucinatory and impressive one.

The movie's weaker half is the romantic part where Statham needs to show his sensitive side. He can use his triceps and biceps convincingly. But this stands in stark contrast to the use of his heart muscle. It seems rather contrived. However, if you look at the appearance of Jessica Alba, you totally understand that the adrenaline in Statham begins to function in a very different way. Alba is a beautiful appearance and luckily (for the male audience) there are many exotic beaches used as a scenery, making it mandatory for her to walk around and swim in bikini. Sadly, her part is limited to playing as a bait for Bishop. And obviously she demonstrates her feminine vulnerability constantly. Until a fury in her emerges and suddenly she masters effective combat techniques.

Ultimately, "Mechanic: Resurrection" is just a pure action movie that serves as demonstration material for Statham's ability as an action figure. The landscapes are beautifully portrayed. The three murders technically may not really be feasible, but are still imaged in an ingenious way. Jason Statham plays the cool guy who's forced to rescue the damsel in distress. Jessica Alba looks appetizing. And Tommy Lee Jones shines as wealthy arms dealer who has the appearance of an old hippie. These are all the positive remarks in a nutshell. If you have no problem with the fact they've put the focus in this movie solely on the mindless action moments and the rest is nothing more than an empty box, you'll be safe with this film.

More reviews here : http://bit.ly/1KIdQMT
7 years 6 months ago
Metalmidget's avatar


Typical action movie? I must be watching the wrong ones then, because this was worse.

First 15 minutes don't make any sense and serve as a romantic build-up and showcase for Alba and Statham's beach bodies.

After that he does exactly what the villain says "for the love of his life whom he met a few days ago". Three "impossible" kills, of course each one more impossible then the last one, each completed in 5 to 10 minutes without really breaking a sweat.

Yea, aside from constant cringing I really enjoyed it...not.
7 years 8 months ago
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