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90 min.
David Michael Latt
Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
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1.8% (1:57)
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  1. Siskoid's avatar


    From the number of similar plot points, MegaFault - tragically Brittany Murphy's last film - lives in the shadow of Volcano. In this case, it's an absurd travelling earthquake that cracks the USA in half, and what points it scores are for the bonkers ideas it throws at us, even if The Asylum's special effects are pretty ropy. But I can accept that when other elements are strong. But they are not. I'm trying real hard not to make a joke about the film's fault here, but it is very shoddily put together. At times, it's like different people wrote and directed scenes at different times without consulting each other, and shots don't match their reverse angle, and the characters will often say a thing is happening/going to happen, but the movie decides otherwise. I'll give you one crazy example that I still can't explain: At one point, the dad and daughter are hitching a ride in a truck which catches on fire and he must get out of the cab and unhook it. The little girl twice shouts "MOMMY!!!!" at him, despite Brittany being nowhere near this scene and the subtitles dutifully telling us she's actually shouting "DADDY!!!". Like, wow. It certainly doesn't help matters that a field in Iowa plays most states between Virginia and Colorado, while isolated disasters in other locales look like they were pulled from other Asylum movies (but no one cares enough to have tracked this on the internet, so I don't have confirmation. But what really gets me is how underpopulated this world is, with Brittany apparently the only earthquake expert in the world - even her mentor defaults to her expertise, looking baffled - and the military is always picking her up so she can tell them what to do, even if she's at the butt end of nowhere (sorry Kansas, not that the distances in this movie make ANY sense). One to watch with company so you can make jeering comments. 11 months 2 weeks ago
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