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Comments 16 - 30 of 82

CarlyK's avatar


The story might be a bit cliché but I mean come on, when has there ever been a movie with great young actors portraying these fantastic characters from Paris in the 1920's? I loved it. Delightful would be the right word.
12 years 7 months ago
taylorannephotography's avatar


Planted a smile on my face. Brody's Dali was PERFECT!
12 years 7 months ago
raghadhazzazi's avatar


A magnificent movie.. and great soundtracks for cole porter :)
12 years 10 months ago
dragonflash93's avatar


Absolutely brilliant! Lovable. Makes for a great date movie. The soundtrack is nice, too.
12 years 10 months ago
Deph's avatar


It is certainly not a bad movie to watch but it is clearly not a great film. It is full of clichés and I got bored of all of them. There is no suspense, everything is obvious, no subtility.
12 years 11 months ago
akuma587's avatar


Still trying to digest this one. This is probably my favorite Owen Wilson performance, either this or Royal Tenenbaums. He doesn't have incredible range as an actor or anything, but he fit this role pretty well. He striked the balance of a guy who could relate to a motley of characters like Hemingway, Dali, Picasso, Stein, the Fitzgeralds, and Bunuel. And he was a great dissatisfied fiance as well. Good casting choice.

It is hard to wrap up this film into a neat little message or anything, but that is certainly not a bad thing. The last scene with Marion Cotillard felt a tad muddled to me, but the film shines in so many other places that I can overlook it. You really look forward as much as he does to his midnight roves, as they are so enjoyable. This film is about the journey more so than the destination, not to say that the destination is disappointing or anything.

You can just tell that the people in the film are enjoying what they are doing. I imagine this was a pretty fun film to work on. The whole cast shines pretty well. The scenery is absolutely beautiful. Some great on-location shooting and some incredibly well done set design.

This is definitely one of the better films of this year. Woody Allen certainly has not lost his touch. 8.4/10
12 years 11 months ago
Darkness_prevails's avatar


This is a very good movie. While I don't think that this movie is on the level of Annie Hall or Allen's movies from that period, I think it's the best he's done in a long while. A return to form for a great American director.
12 years 11 months ago
KevinJP's avatar


I had high expectations going into the theater for this movie...they were exceeded.
12 years 11 months ago
oldfilmsflicker's avatar


one of Woody Allen's best. period.
13 years ago
chunkylefunga's avatar


This movie really speaks to me.

It's the movie I always recommend to people.
3 years 3 months ago
heat_'s avatar


I had no idea that I was going to enjoy the movie this much prior to watching it. Actually I have been postponing the movie for a long while. Pity! Great movie, gave all the motivation for watching the rest of the Woody Allen filmography.
5 years 9 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


From the trailer, there's no way to know what Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris is really about, so I'll tell ya. It's a rather playful fantasy about a frustrated writer (Owen Wilson) longing for those Parisian days of the 20s when all the great artists and writers lived there. His fiancée (a hilariously mean Rachel McAdams) has no intention of moving there, so he's left to his own devices and at the stroke of midnight each night, he's transported to that romantic notion of 1920s Paris. In the process, he'll learn something about the power of nostalgia and about himself. If you know your early 20th century creative types, you'll get a lot more from the film's star-studded pastiches, but even if you don't, I think the eccentrics played by the likes of Adrien Brody, Kathy Bates and Marion Cottillard will still entertain and tickle your fancy. And for fans of photography, Woody Allen gives Paris the same romantic, even fetishized treatment he usually reserves for New York. It's all very sweet and lovely.
8 years 11 months ago
malmestig's avatar


Loved it,! Especially the ending and the attention to detail
11 years 5 months ago
TimVollkommer's avatar


Owen Wilson's nose is too distracting. The screenplay is golden and the direction fluid. However, the star of this movie is PARIS!! Just lovely!
11 years 7 months ago
thaisquisito's avatar


I'm in love with this movie.
11 years 8 months ago

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