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contrafugal's avatar


Full diclosure: I hate the Romneys' politics and think that they would have made a disastrous first family. That said, this was touching. It's a reminder that these are still people. They're hopelessly out-of-touch, privileged, ludicrously rich people with terrible ideas for how to do right by the people they want to serve--but human beings all the same, who basically want the same things everyone else wants: to accomplish what they set out to achieve. For an hour and a half, you get to watch how a family of hard-working, god-fearing one-percenters try and capture the presidency while remaining true to their (imo, warped) values. Mittens is a spoiled son of a much more likable politician, but he knows it and comes across as a guy just trying his hardest to live up to daddy's legacy (sound like any other presidents you know?). His children come off as smug, spoiled little shits, but they're four bankers (and one doctor) who were born even richer than their father, so what did you expect? They're not villains or heroes. They don't grow and learn. They celebrate their victories and comfort each other through disappointments. On the whole, they're very boring people who also happen to have access to a vast amount of political power due to circumstances only partially in their control.

In politics it's so easy to get caught up in how loathsome a person's beliefs are and project a caricature of devilry onto them. But there are no devils here, and seeing that is something worthwhile. You'll either hate every minute of this, or be completely enthralled, and you'll know which one it is within the first twenty minutes.
10 years ago
devilsadvocado's avatar


The Romney family is way more normal and functional than I would have thought. They all seem like genuinely good people. Can't imagine what the hell they thought they were doing in politics.
10 years 3 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Earnest doc about Mitt Romney. Enjoyed it.
7 years 7 months ago
Eduardo Nasi's avatar

Eduardo Nasi

Ok, I got it: last time we missed the point that Romney was a nice guy, and now that he is going to run for president again we should pay attention to him. So sorry I'm not American and I don't vote there. ;)
10 years 4 months ago
Jace Lightner's avatar

Jace Lightner

Imagery is contrived and is designed to evoke an emotional response. I'm sure he is also emotional about CORPORATE PERSONHOOD...That is, corporations are real persons and have rights, just like you and me...except they have lots of money...and can override the eights of people like you and me. SOOOO...Fannie May is a real person huh? WILL THE REAL FANNIE MAY PLEASE STAND UP?...AND WHAT ABOUT MISTER MC DONALDS?
10 years 3 months ago
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