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johannez1's avatar


Shit yeah, this was just awesome. Obviously not something you'd watch to have a profound, meaningful cinematic experience, but if you're like me, and you enjoy violent, over-the-top B-movie insanity, odds are you might just love this movie. Especially if you enjoy some classic Cage Rage, which this definitely delivers.

"Your motherfucking mother said to open this door. And motherfuckeeeeers, you're going to open this motherfucking door". The way Cage delivers that line is pure gold. Pure goddamn gold.
5 years 10 months ago
mcmakattack's avatar


Not cinematic gold by any means, but it can be a lot of fun if you enjoy over-the-top splatter horror/pitch black comedy. it's reminiscent of older Peter Jackson works but with Nic Cage and a bath salts vibe.
6 years 4 months ago
Sk1337's avatar


Grotesque, fun, violent and sometimes hilarious. Reminds me of movies like Bad Taste, Braindead and Shaun of the Dead. Its not perfect, but very enjoyable
4 years 10 months ago
chelano's avatar


I found myself laughing when I should of been in church
5 years 3 months ago
Pike's avatar


If you are the kind of cinephile who, like me, dutifully attends the services at the Church of Latter-Day Cage, this is your first reason in a long while to say ''Hosanna!'' again, raise your hands and praise him. You'll leave the pew whistling 'the hokey pokey'.
6 years 1 month ago
Blocho's avatar


I have three kids, and in many ways, all of my movies are also my children. That means I have more than 100 children, which is too many children according to my brother, my therapist, and my mailman Federico. So I know all about the frustrations of parenthood. But that’s not what I was drawing on for this performance. Instead, I just focused on the fact that I gave my son a kick-ass name like Kal-El, and my parents gave me a boring name like Nicolas, and suddenly I felt all the rage I needed for a movie about family tensions. Teach your children well, folks.
1 year 8 months ago
yukononun's avatar


A decent action flick. The acting was good and I appreciated how little gore there was. It was better than I thought it would be, although I wish that it was a bit longer. I have so many unanswered questions, and I also would've liked to have seen more of the chaos in the streets.

I don't know why, but I was rooting for Brent and Kendall. I was actually disappointed whenever spoiler, and was pleasantly surprised when spoiler. Does that make me a bad person? Probably.
6 years 2 months ago
ikkegoemikke's avatar


“I mean, I used to be Brent…
and you used to be Kendall…
and now we’re just…
Mom and Dad.”


I’m sure some parents will experience it in their life. The moment you get a bit tired of your offspring. That you would love to put them on a rocket and shoot them to the moon, so that you get a little bit of time and space. Even though your love for your children is unconditional and sincere. This moment will only last a few seconds with normal parents before they look back at their kids lovingly and realize they can’t live without them. Not here in “Mom and Dad“. Here you’ll see parents in a small American town, who suddenly turn into murderous psychopaths with only one goal. And that’s killing their lovely children.

The cause of this parental hysteria is not entirely clear. Is it, like in “Cell“, an electronic pulse that triggers their behavior? Or is it a mutated virus? Don’t expect an explanation. In any case, it causes mothers to leave a little baby in the car which is parked on a railroad crossing. Or a big fat family man swinging around with a bloody baseball bat. And a bunch of fleeing students who are being tackled en masse by crazy parents. The movie isn’t exactly horifying or scary. Only the scene with the newborn baby gave me an uncomfortable feeling.

It feels like a typical zombie movie with parents walking around with a glassy look. The only difference is that they only have an eye for their own children and don’t have the urge to chase every panicking teenager. “Mom and dad” is complete madness and highly entertaining. Nicolas Cage shines as the father who thinks he’s a complete failure. His dreams didn’t come true and his career isn’t that what he had imagined. The same applies to his wife played by Selma Blair. A bitter-toned, exhausted mother who can’t accept that her daughter doesn’t show any affection anymore for her. She has been exchanged for weed smoking girlfriends and the omnipresent social media. Their frustrations become obvious during the pool table scene, where they pour their guts out.

It’s been a long time ago since I’ve enjoyed total craziness which Cage can play as one of the best. In “Arsenal” he showed a crazy “Tony Clifton” type whose tirades were brilliantly played and at the same time felt exaggerated. However, the disturbing hysteria and raging frenzy he shows here, exceeds this effortlessly. In a convincing way he shows that frightening look and pure anger. It’s as if complete madness has taken over. I admit, It’s also overly exaggerated. But that makes it humorous sometimes. The grandparents’ moment was an ingenious idea and caused the story to take a different direction. Do you like a horror comedy with a slightly macabre atmosphere? Well, that means this movie is right up your alley.

More reviews here
6 years 4 months ago
blondy2323's avatar


Don't waist your time on this. The IMDB rating is way off, it shouldn't even be worth five stars...
6 years 4 months ago
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