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mantvizs22's avatar


use 5.010; use strict; use warnings;
my $friend = undef;

say "Hello friend!";
say "My friend is: ";
say $friend;

Hello friend!
My friend is:
Use of uninitialized value $friend in say
4 years 5 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Season 1: Mr. Robot AKA Fight Club the TV series... And I really don't mean that as a put-down, because I was a big fan of Fight Club, and remixing it with legit-seeming hacking and a touch of American Psycho, actually makes for a good show. It worked for Fargo, after all (though they had the actual brand). But the apathetic narration, the acidic color palette, the choice of music, the sense that we're not seeing reality as it is, and the plot about anarchists wanting to take down the credit card companies all scream Fight Club, and it may be a tribute too many for some. But see, the thing about Fight Club is that it was prescient; Mr. Robot's use of the same concepts is TIMELY instead. Mental health, the 99% vs 1%, Occupy Wall Street, all of that makes Mr. Robot resonate differently. And still, the show has its own identity, with alienating camera shots and soundscapes representing the protagonist's inability to connect to people quite well, and I love how they say the villainous corporation might as well be called Evil Corp, so everyone does call it that. The show was pretty immersive and I devoured Season 1, so no complaints from me.
6 years 10 months ago
kurvduam's avatar


(removed by mod: please post in English)
7 years 11 months ago
dream_tiger's avatar


Intelligent but not as smart as say, Black Mirror. The Linux KDE/Gnome bit was a little cringey as well as flying a private jet to a data center server rather than remoting in (which they try to explain away but doesn't make sense). I wish the writers weren't so worried about hand holding and leaving some of the audience behind. If you are going to throw around hacker lingo at least go all the way.
8 years 9 months ago
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