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la.dolce.vita's avatar


Agree with the other poster that this movie is just okay...worth watching if you're bored and want something light to watch or for nostalgic reasons. It doesn't really bring anything new to the table though. The same jokes from the first movie are rehashed. The plot line is also muddled and it seemed like they just forced a wedding in there just so they could call the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2" and make a sequel. The only new addition is Tula's teenager daughter whose character just seemed like a stereotype of the angsty teen trope. It was nice to see the Portokalos family again though.
8 years ago
Jace Lightner's avatar

Jace Lightner

The music is beautiful
8 years ago
chunkylefunga's avatar


Just ok; the first was much funnier.
8 years ago
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