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ThomasFTB's avatar


Surprisingly accurate to Stoker's novel. A lot of the details that get chronically overlooked are preserved here. Dracula sports a mustache, waxes poetic about his proud lineage, can walk daylight, etc. Quincy Morris is even in the thing!
It's just a shame that it's so awkward and dull.
9 years 7 months ago
few visible scars's avatar

few visible scars

As of May 2020, https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1zzbbh
gave me an advert free copy...
4 years 1 month ago
jlfitz's avatar


in English with commercials every 5 minutes.
5 years 7 months ago
nick121235's avatar


Apparently this is the most faithful screen adaptation of Dracula made so far. I haven't read the book in ages so i'd have to re-read to confirm that (which i just might do).
At any rate, besides that I've got to say that I was a bit disappointed- last time I watched this film I gave it a 10 out of 10 rating. I think I may have been struck by the appearances of both Christopher Lee and Klaus Kinski, both great actors and both in adaptations of Dracula that I had seen in the past. Unfortunately, like many of Franco's other films, the pacing is a bit languid. As many others have written, I did expect a sleazier film, however I rather enjoyed that it wasn't. I had already seen Vampyros Lesbos and that's all we need from this man in that field.
There may be no psychedelia but the giallo visuals are amazing. To truly have one of the great stories, like Dracula, filmed as a giallo piece is probably a wet dream of mine and so i'll chalk my high rating up to that as well. (And no, Argento's Dracula 3D does not count)
This time around I'm gonna have to deduct half a point because it wasn't quite as revolutionary as I thought, but it's still one of the best Dracula adaptations i've ever seen, barring Nosferatu 1979 of course. I've got to say I like it more than Hammer's Dracula, which I'd never been the biggest fan of.
5 years 10 months ago
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