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Siskoid's avatar


Shot, or at least presented, on the horizontal plane, like a letterbox ratio on its side, Never Tear Us Apart (or Fisting, if you prefer) creates a voyeuristic intimacy with its formal experimentation, sort of as if we were seeing everything from a door opened just a crack. But it's really a phone's eye view, with chat screens and meme iconography edited in. Or at least, this is how it plays in the first act, when we follow a young gay man's visits to his older lover. I started losing the plot when we moved over to his father (where James Bond imagery takes over, but one can't really ascertain if he's really a spy or just playing at being one) and mother (delusional in that she makes herself relive her son's birth and early years). And then there's the Shadow, a serial killer that's out there and could be one of them, or an urban legend, or a fiction based on news reports since so much of the film seems to be a fantasy. What are we to believe? The claustrophobic shots give a partial picture, which director Whammy Alcazaren may be equating with the view of the world we get from our devices. But the principal theme is sex, perverse and not, which also invites fantasy.
1 month 1 week ago
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