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nymets138's avatar


Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co9XH-m9yBs
2 years 4 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


A young Dennis Hopper harasses a woman until she goes out with him in Night Tide, so I'm not sure I feel too bad about her potentially being a killer mermaid. But seriously, folks... I can feel the 1961 in this thing, not just in terms of gender politics, but in the way an explanation is given at the end, like it's some Silver Age comic book story. Until that point, it's got a nice ambiguity going, and a jazzy atmosphere that, while not scary, is at least eerie. Is she a siren of some kind, luring men to their deaths? Or is it all a delusion? (And you don't need one to have the other, of course.) That Hopper is a sailor plays nicely into the theme, and the call of the sea that he himself heard, out there in landbound Colorado, isn't all that different from the pull Linda Lawson (as Mora) feels herself. The House of Mystery question mark at the end ("...or IS IT???!") is as clunky at the "reasonable" explanation we get, so yeah, the spell got well broke for me.
3 years 7 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

Dennis Hopper is especially rapey in this. Maybe he channeled this energy for his role in Blue Velvet?
4 years 5 months ago
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