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Rodney Dangerfield's avatar

Rodney Dangerfield

Fantastic dramatisation of a period of history I knew nothing about. The use of the U-matic camera throughout works perfectly as original campaign ads and news footage fit seamlessly with the dramatic footage.
11 years 3 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Gael Garcia Bernal stars in the Chilean docudrama No, all about the publicity campaign that helped peacefully overthrow Chile's dictator Pinochet in the late 80s. It's a fascinating story, shot with old-timey cameras to get a documentary feel that meshes perfectly with the campaign's actual TV footage. Almost a procedural at times, it nevertheless takes us into its protagonist's household and personal life, as a way to show his world, his emotional context and what Chile was like for the privileged few who nevertheless suffered under a censorious regime. Playing out as a political thriller with moves and counter-moves, the No campaign must struggle against opposition both from within and without, and ultimately, against its own unsaleability (who would vote for a negative somehow representing change?). And in the end, what does it say of a country's political fabric that minds can be changed by marketing tricks? What does it say about us as a species/culture?
8 years 11 months ago
TalkingElvish's avatar


Great film. Gael Garcia is on typically awesome form, and the production has a brilliant eye for period detail.
11 years ago
Woliver's avatar


Que detallazo ese de filmarla en video, seguramente con cámaras de la época, no se distingue entre comerciales y ficción. Pega en la nostalgia.

Me gustó que hay cierta ambigüedad al final de la película, de alguna manera no se siente como una victoria después de todo; aunque no sé si esa es la concepción de la película... o tal vez no la entendí.
11 years 3 months ago
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