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nowhereman136's avatar


It started off fun enough but the premise wore thin fast and just started to drag. It doesnt help that Connery was dubbed by the most boring voice actor they could find. Maybe redub it with a thicker Scottish accent (something more in line with Sean Connery) and that would make it leaps and bounds better. And while the score by Morricone is good, it gets repetitive as they play it every scene for every character. It feels like it couldve been better, but considering its a James Bond knockoff to begin with, i guess it couldve also been a lot worse.

3 years 7 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


An Italian rip-off of James Bond starring Neil Connery (as Dr. Neil Connery), playing the brother of a famous agent, I kid you not, opposite Adolfo "Thunderball's Blofeld" Celi and Lois "Moneypenny" Maxwell, which certainly heightens the credibility of what turns out to be a fair superspy adventure, even if Connery is more super hypnotist than secret agent man. Morricone supplies a pastiche score as well.
11 months ago
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