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Scratch47's avatar


A literate, caustic adaptation that stirs the gender, sex, class, and power issues and leaves them on the boil, to spill over onto a glass mirror for closer inspection. For a 20 year old work, it's issues have come full circle back into the mainstream. I have not seen the play on which this is based, but by all accounts it was quite the shocker on release.
Though it might seem misogynist, Mamet's articulate script cuts like a fearless vengeful scythe, revealing vulnerability and pompousness in equal measure, the illustration of the consequences of such reactive mindsets when presented with the threat of power, the betrayal of language and memory when it comes to constructed assumed meanings, the hypocrisy in biting the hand that feeds, the naive foolishness in blind allegiance, and the lengths powerful cyphers of invisible leeching cultures will go to see victory, even in - especially in - the hands of the dispossessed.
Despite a shocking final scene that confirms awful truths, 'Oleanna' is more even handed than might first appear. It's about more than feminism and the sticky truth that it has both the court of law and public opinion on its' side, though it doesn't shrug from implying a sense of cold smugness and plausibly deniable, aggressive social warfare from their part. In fact, the film shows some sympathy for Carol up until the point where her insecurity is exploited and thoughtlessly militarized by a nameless 'group'.
There is nothing gentle or forgiving about this work. Ultimately the issues reach into the heart of ego and conflict itself, right up to the point of continuing the endless cycle, as the outcomes are presented as a foregone conclusion. Recommended for those who want to be confronted.
9 years 10 months ago
Forzelius's avatar


Interesting how this would play out today. The world has changed a lot in the last 27 years but the themes here are very relevant today. Very questionable this would get made as it did, now.
2 years 7 months ago
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