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Siskoid's avatar


Lady Battle Cop... just a Japanese rip-off of Robocop? Well, that may be so, but I'd probably rather watch this than some of the Robocop sequels. It's a lot of fun. I wouldn't say the production values are low exactly - the suit, the explosions, two K-pop songs written for the movie ("Women were made for tennis") prove there WAS a budget - but I could scrounge up better locations scouting around town for a weekend, and the camera work straddles the line between edgy and amateurish. So in the near future, a criminal cartel comes to Japan from America (tracks) and they almost kill the wrong person, a scientist working on a cybernetic police system and his girlfriend, a cute and bubbly tennis star who will become his first human test subject and be forged in the fires of violence. She goes after the whole racket (sorry, but let me say here that the one thing this movie is missing for it to be a true classic is killer robo-tennis moves, missed opportunity) and faces off against, most prominently, a psychokinetic rage-monster/super-soldier. And that stuff is in. sane. No No Give Up, guys!
4 years 2 months ago
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