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Siskoid's avatar


The Sandra Bullock vehicle Our Brand Is Crisis makes me think I should have held out for the original documentary it's based on. As a former communications professional, this kind of thing should be right up my alley - an American campaign manager is brought in to a Bolivian election to rebrand an unpopular candidate - could and should have been a lesson in conservative (given the candidate) politics, but aside from the big epiphany already contained in the title, there's really very little insight. Unethical shenanigans and spin doctoring are mixed with the lead's psychological problems and a rivalry with an unsavory opponent (Billy Bob Thornton), but none of it feels particularly finished, or thematically coherent. It's one of those biopics where we go from true event to true event, but it doesn't come together as a STORY, if that makes any sense. And while I'm sure Bullock is channeling her subject, the performance comes across as a collection of mannered quirks. It just doesn't engage the way it should.
6 years 8 months ago
Marianna Delfim's avatar

Marianna Delfim

I felt disrespected by this movie, and I'm not even Bolivian...
Couldn't watch it till the end, something that usually doesn't happen to me.
Boring, boring, boring...
7 years 3 months ago
KPND's avatar


The year for this one is "0"?
8 years 9 months ago
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