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andres89's avatar


good thriller
12 years 10 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


A sunny noir if there ever was one, Out of Time stars Denzel Washington as the police chief of a small, coastal Florida town whose affair with a married woman takes him to the brink when she dies as a result of foul play, and he's named as her insurance's beneficiary. He has to investigate, while also covering up his own connections to the murder while his estranged wife, a high-profile police detective from the Big City, is on the same trail. And it's great - give or take the unconvincing casting of Eva Mendes as the wife; Sanaa Lathan is much better presence as the other woman - until a very stupid ending ruins the whole thing for me. There's one ridiculous twist too many. There's an unearned happy ending. And while John Billingsley provided fun comic relief as Denzel's buddy medical examiner throughout, the kind of comedy they make him do at the end is dumb as rocks. What a waste!
1 month 1 week ago
xianjiro's avatar


sucked Barney Fife's AND Joe Friday's ...

There were, like a couple great lines but otherwise totally disposable, run-of-the-mill thriller that didn't thrill me one bit. Maybe we need a new genre -- manipulator? Hope they at least had fun making it because I found it very painful to watch.
1 year 4 months ago
Jesus Christ's avatar

Jesus Christ

Some really good writing and some not that good. I enjoyed it though
5 years 1 month ago
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