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Dolwphin's avatar


Executive producer of this film was Steven Schneider; the same man who is the editor of 1001 Movies You Must Se Before You Die. It is just a coincidence though; I'm sure this film is really good!
9 years 2 months ago
Isklar's avatar


The most troubling part about this movie was how annoyingly *stupid* they both were. Possible demon terrorising our home?? I'm sure we can handle this much better than anyone who does this for a living. Terrified girlfriend? Sure, let me keep doing all the things she cries (for good reason) and begs me not to. Got through it, but won't bother with the follow ups.
7 years ago
sixteenmiles's avatar


This was not a good horror film.

It nearly was, sure. But in the end it spoiled itself and in a format and genre that is built on making you invest in contrived situations, that is not forgivable.

Coming to this from a list titled '1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die' I was really expecting something groundbreaking to the horror genre and it just wasn't there. The Blair Witch did the found footage thing eight years beforehand, the film itself was relatively boring and ultimately just builds up to one jump scare. There is nothing particularly interesting about the characters or their relationship. Why is this film on the list?

Then I came here and read Dolwphin's comment:

Executive producer of this film was Steven Schneider; the same man who is the editor of 1001 Movies You Must Se Before You Die. It is just a coincidence though; I'm sure this film is really good!

Got it.
9 years 2 months ago
stellaslove's avatar


Pretty much Blair Witch Project set in a house. Worth watching if you like that style of movie. I enjoyed it and yes, some people are afraid of sounds made off screen :) Watch this in the middle of the night, in the dark at home by yourself and you might be a LITTLE creeped out at least!
14 years 1 month ago
Oneironaut's avatar


Surprisingly I wasn't bored and got into it. I thought the actors did a pretty good job, and it got tense.

People here are disappointed because they're going in expecting too much. Just think of it as any other horror film.

Also, I watched the third movie in the series before this and I thought that order was much better.
11 years 10 months ago
spytarwebb's avatar


It wasn't that bad; it'll freak you out if you truly believe in stuff like this.

Micah pissed me off, though. His character is such an arrogant jackass it's sickening.

The movie overall was just too slow - I couldn't get through it the first time I watched it because of how slow it was, but then decided to watch it again.
12 years 9 months ago
EylemBasakEkinci's avatar


At the time, Variety described writer-director Oren Peli's micro-budgeted horror feature as "one of the best genre spins on the pseudo-nonfiction first-person-cam since 'The Blair Witch Project.' " But "Paranormal's" path to commercial release has been a laborious one: Initially, DreamWorks intended to simply use it as a DVD extra for a bigger-budgeted remake it signed Peli to create. When that fell through, the pic shifted to Paramount's shelf.

Nearly two years later, Paramount is taking the unusual approach of launching it via free midnight screenings in various metropolitan and college markets, encouraging viewers to urge wider bookings via online service Demand. This simple yet hair-raising enterprise, reworked somewhat (most notably with a new ending) since its festival premiere, could definitely parlay word of mouth into sleeper success.

Trimmed from 96 to 85 minutes, the pic now gets to the scary stuff faster, without sacrificing the credibility of unremarkable San Diego couple Micah (Micah Sloat) and Katie's (Katie Featherston) incredulous attempts to deal with a hostile unseen force in their home. Initially skeptical, Micah bullishly determines he'll "take care of" the problem himself; a technophile, he insists on using video cameras to record any phenomena, even though a psychic consulted says opening any channels of communication with a demonic presence is a very bad idea.

Which indeed it proves. "Activity's" dominating key scenes are a series of nighttime bedroom surveillance-cam sequences whose eerie quiet and progressively more alarming manifestations had the audience at a San Francisco midnight screening nervously laughing, clapping and screaming throughout. "Paranormal" is a great audience experience -- watched on the smallscreen, it would lose not only the collective thrill feel, but its subtler chilling effects (a faint shadow on a door, etc.) might be lost entirely.

Peli's original ending wasn't as terrifying as much of what came before, but delivered a cruelly ironic final twist. A new, more fantastical finish goes for a couple of jolts that are perhaps more genre-conventional. Still, they certainly do the trick.

Transfer to 35mm looks great, which is to say crisply convincing as high-end homemovies. Sound mix seems spruced up a bit; the things going bump in the night now do so with stereo gravitas.
13 years ago
wmvankoppen's avatar


Damn, it's working for me...
Cat jumped on my lap at a very bad moment. Scared the shit out of me.

13 years 10 months ago
NevertrustGoogle's avatar


Most boring documentary ever made
5 years 1 month ago
Metalmidget's avatar


Good movie, but a bit slow at the beginning. Turned out i downloaded the 'original' movie, which was indeed slower than the one in theatres.
Great! Now i have to watch it all over to see all the new cuts and the alternate ending!! But it's worth it though...
12 years 10 months ago
Kasparius's avatar


Blairwitch Project Reloaded.
13 years ago
jerthejerjer's avatar


I found this movie to be really exceptionally meh...
13 years 3 months ago
AtomicSquid's avatar


I think this is a movie made to be watched in a theater...even though I have a good sound system I think it needs to be played really loud and with the bass turned way up to be scary. Otherwise it's pretty much just noises off-screen.
13 years 5 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

Better than the Blair Witch Project other than the fact that BWP came first and as such was more innovative. This was pretty innovative itself though, and was truly scary & disturbing. Don't get me wrong. There were plenty of silly and/or stupid moments. The ending was particularly stupid and you can thank Steven Spielberg for that.

I also want to add that I just saw Paranormal Activity 2 and it was terrible.
13 years 6 months ago
onemoresolo's avatar


I thought it was pretty good. Not the scariest film I've ever seen but the whole set-up worked well
13 years 7 months ago

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