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Siskoid's avatar


An unambitious thriller starring Michael Madsen as a father of a family who bumps into a fugitive on their way to a camping trip. If it kept my interest at all, it's that the wet and dreary landscape seemed so familiar. It could have been shot 1 km from my home. Turns out, it's Quebec, so not THAT far off. Otherwise... Jeff Wincott plays the typical unmotivated villain who is evil for its own sake, and Madsen never seems comfortable in the hero's role. Worse is the distraught sheriff who means to avenge his dead wife, badly played by Steve Adams. It's the stupidest part of the script, requiring characters to abandon all reason when dealing with him. So as the movie progresses, it gets stupider and stupider. Only the actresses are engaging at all, in particular Michelle Scarabelli as the deputy sheriff. If at least it achieved some kind of drinking game B-movie grandeur, but no, it's at about the level of an 80s tv movie.
8 years 10 months ago
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