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Ferneu's avatar


They woked Predator...
8 months 2 weeks ago
MrDoog's avatar


Decent effort but the gushing reviews on this have left me scratching my head a little.

The dialogue is functional at best (I couldn't watch the Comanche version) Didn't care for the acting prowess of the main character, i've seen her in a couple of other things before so that wasn't a surprise. There's also a little audience preaching when it depicting the French Canadians as knuckle dragging troglodytes... just what everyone wants from a Predator film - social commentary!

However with that said, considering how unwatchable the previous few Predator installments have been this was a pleasant surprise and fairly close in quality to Predator 2
1 year 10 months ago
Zeltaebar's avatar


Arnold and Danny Glover had to outsmart the predator, as they were no match physically. But this strong, female warrior can easily take out groups of 6-7 big, bruly Frenchmen in close combat! Did her character ever learn or practice close combat? Nope ... But she is an awesome woman nonetheless - and the men were toxic so who cares? Also she kicked the predator's butt with brawn and technological wizardry - just as expected from a slim Native American girl. Oh, wait ... it subverted my expectations. That's good, right? No. Woke trash.

Someone in these comments asked for a definition of what "woke" means. This is what the term means to me: Someone who thinks themselves morally superior to everyone else in history and who thinks about other people as part of a group and according to a hierarchy of value - where women and ethnic/sexual minorities are at the top, while white, straight men are at the bottom.

They also want to make movies who display such an utopia. If a movie paints ALL the women and ethnic/sexual/gender minorities as good, smart or powerful, and ALL the white, straight men as either stupid or evil - then the movie is most likely woke. If there is a mix - then the movie is not woke.
1 year 5 months ago
Bligor's avatar


Interesting recipee this one. It's like a meal that will make you not hungry. To call it a meal that would make you full would be unfair as that kind of meal usually leaves a satisfying feeling. This one, doesn't. You're not hungry, but also not full. Still, here is the recipee and it's ingredients:
- 1 predator
- 1 interesting historical and cultural setting
- 1 beautiful cinematography
- 1 unlikable, childish and annoying main character
- fresh multiple male bully/bad guy characters (please note that they MUST be male, but bully or bad guy, any will do just fine)
- action scenes
- special Disney woke sauce

Take 1 predator, interesting historical setting and beautiful cinematography and mix it all together and leave it on the side. While the mixture is on the side, season the main character with stubborness to go well with childish behaviour, add superhuman strength and endurance to go well with character's sex and just a pinch of bully side characters to complement the unlikeability of the protagonist.
Once the initial mixture is ready and you have your main character nicely seasoned and ready, time to add your action scenes. These will give a pleasant feel for the taste buds.

As a preference, it would be nice if you could find some fresh social commentary, preferably historicaly inacurate, as long as you have a bad white guy character, add it, any type will do. Preferrably the one that tortures and mutilates animals, but any will do.
Once you have your additions, add some special Disney sauce. This is up to you how much you want to add, depending of the preference and how much you are used to it. For North American taste, we would recommend adding a lot of special Disney woke sauce. There's never too much. For the rest of the world be sure not to add too much as it might overwhelm the taste buds. It is always recommended to taste the mixture during preparation. Experienced taste buds from conoisseurs will always recognize if there is too much Disney's special woke sauce. Especially for those who read Icheckmovies cookbooks. If you put too much and force it, it is always recognized and doesn't go well. So be careful with the sauce.

Once you have everything ready bake everything for 1 hour and 40 minutes.

After it's finished, garnish with a little girl's admiring gaze towards a strong main protagonist.

Serve and "enjoy". This will leave you not hungry but you might want to have some after snack to nibble on afterwards. Reheating your dinner from the night before, like 1987 Predator.

Enjoy...in the after snack.
1 year 9 months ago
chunkylefunga's avatar


Who shall we make the lead?

A young women, but lets make out that she's more like a teenager so it seems more empowering.

Ok, now she needs to be 'ethnic', ok lets make her native american, but as always don't cast a proper native american just cast a latina.

Next lets have only men bully her for no real reason and she can show them up. Also that's not how Comanches would fight, they would wrestle, they wouldn't fight like Europeans would.

And lets make the Frenchmen villains for no apparent reason, and lets have them murder a whole bunch of bison for absolutely no apparent reason. They were fur traders, they just wouldn't have done that.

Then we have a young girl that defies the laws of gender. She's going toe to toe with alpha men, and instead of one punch from them doing serious damage, she can just shake it off. Then despite being 5 feet nothing and like 40kgs she goes up against a full grown 7 foot tall, 250Kg Yautja and she somehow is even stronger than him. Then the foot trap doesn't break her foot, she just cries a bit then takes it off? Just nonsense.

If you want a strong female lead, you can just pretend she's physically as strong, just have her be smarter, not stronger. Ripley was smarter, not stronger. And it was a bit stupid to have an 'expert' tracker fall into mud, especially in her hometown where she'd know the terrain.

The whole movie just ended up being complete nonsense. At least with Arnie's predator they all knew they were outmatched and Arnie has to use his smarts, not brawns to win.

Stop trying to make franchises woke.

This movie will be forgotten by the end of the year.
1 year 10 months ago

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