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audiopile's avatar


This was done very well. It was easy to connect with the characters emotions, what a ride.
4 years 3 months ago
few visible scars's avatar

few visible scars

Rather surprised it is in no lists.
1 year 8 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


More Thelma & Louise than Bonnie & Clyde, and really more The Fugitive than Thelma & Louise, Queen & Slim has an inciting incident (sadly) ripped from the headlines - a couple on a failed date are pulled over for being black and the bad cop starts shooting. In this case, he winds up dead, and fearing the system wouldn't give them a fair shot, the two go on the run. It feels a bit cursory, to tell you the truth, but desperation fuels the action and the relationship, with a bit of media sensation thrown in as the characters become heroes to the black community, with many helping their escape. But I unfortunately felt pretty ambivalent about the whole thing, never too sure what it was saying about the situation. The bit with the kid might speak to the cycle of violence, or of ill-chosen heroes. The rather poetic dialog between Queen and Slim tries to elevate the love story element, but is at cross-purposes with the rest of the film. And it's definitely not how desperate situations turn people into criminals, except when it is, or is it merely a play on perception? We have images of freedom, of tragedy, of memory, of Black Lives Matter... and while I like these in silos, or in simpler combinations, I never felt like it gelled into the greater whole.
3 years 6 months ago
Videl's avatar


Oh f*CK, Just found out spoiler. It was an emotional movie..
3 years 11 months ago
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