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30 min.
Crime, Comedy
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10.0% (1:10)
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  1. Siskoid's avatar


    After a single season, I really fell in love with Reservation Dogs, a Tailka Waititi production about a group of young Native Americans dreaming of leaving the "rez" in Oklahoma for fabled California, but the first season asks if they could, or even should. In only 8 episodes, their world is efficiently drawn, with plenty of characters to get attached to, and for several, an interior life that sometimes goes beyond the psychological into the mystical. This is a world where you might well speak to the spirits of your ancestors. The show is not afraid to split up the leads and spotlight any one of them, nor of spinning the amusing comedy into heart-wrenching drama. I noticed a lot of Canadian actors, but it IS shot in Oklahoma, and uses a lot of local talent, so it feels authentic. The second season is on right now, and I can't wait it to catch up with it and see what happens next. Or what doesn't. A lazy day with these characters faffing about is just as entertaining as their efforts to reach their El Dorado.

    Season 2 of Reservation Dogs, in a way suffers from the four friends falling out, but it does highlight how much more they suffer alone than within their support group. And I also really like the inclusion of Jackie as one of the main characters, she's very tragic. Perhaps it also allows Cheese and Willie Jack to shine away from more traditional leads Bear and Elora, but they were certainly my favorites all season. Having set up this world so efficiently in Season 1, the show can now expand upon it, in its use of the spiritual brushing against mundane reality, and giving spotlights to some of the adult characters, who are no less interesting than the kids (I say "kids", realizing that Devery Jacobs who plays Elora is almost 30). It is at times a heavier season, yes, definitely, but it also offers its funniest episode yet, "Decolonativization", which had me in stitches and could well end up as my favorite single episode of ANYTHING this year. The season also has a lot of closure, so much so I immediately checked if there was going to be a third. And there will be. Good. I want to keep visiting these characters.
    1 year 9 months ago
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