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demagogo's avatar


Not very sure why, I wanted to say something about this: imagine that Reservoir Dogs never was filmed. In fact, imagine that the Tarantino Phenomenon™ never happened, so witty-ass dialogues and this mix of the French New Wave and exploitation films were an all-new shit. Fine, the script is still very good, there is still some aesthetically provoking stuff here and there, etc., but the movie remains plain af and you still wish to end as soon as possible.

My conclusion: Editing is God and good cinematography is fucking Jesus. Really, you may say, "How about good acting?" Idk, I think there is some good acting in this movie and still is shit. I think Nic Cage is a very competent actor too. But seriously, with a good edition and a bit of effort in the lightning department this passionless snoozefest would've been entertaining?

I may be sounding quite trivial here, but I guess stuff like this encourages you to think about that more than any Lacanian-ish analysis of City Lights? I kinda try to imagine how many SOV trash or exploitation films would've been pretty good stuff if falling into the right hands. I recall the first From Dusk Till Dawn, which imo it hasn't a very good script, but the directing/acting made it really fun.

Maybe good acting is the Holy Ghost, but that's not too much of an idol to work for metaphores related to Christianity. No idea.
8 years 4 months ago
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