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ZilaDakaar's avatar


In his last special, Supernatural, Ricky took aim at the "woke", progressive, indentitarian left. In this special, he doubles down on that and expands his criticisms to include a sort of goading and provoking of progressives at large. Moderate liberals to conservatives will probably feel thrilled, but those on the left will find few laughs and more exasperation. Ricky has always been edgy, so he's still on brand, but he's waded deeper into the modern culture wars than ever before. Armageddon is indeed the end (of his old atheist comedy), and I'm interested in seeing what future this special is the cornerstone for.
5 months 1 week ago
hawkeyevigo's avatar


Mildly amusing,you've probably seen the best bits on youtube already.
2 months 3 weeks ago
Neens's avatar


I used to really like Ricky Gervais, and I don't mind offensive jokes, but I do mind offensive. If you see my point. A lot of his 'jokes' in Armageddon don't have a punchline, which makes you wonder what on earth you are wasting your time on. There are moments of brilliance (two, I'd say), but I definitely won't be watching this again or recommending it to anyone else.
4 months 4 weeks ago
Dan Bull's avatar

Dan Bull

Ricky Gervais is capable of brilliant comedy and of speaking truth to power, but a lot of his jokes here were at the expense of people in vulnerable positions in society, without seeming to have a deeper point than pure shock value.
2 months 4 weeks ago
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