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Comments 1 - 15 of 24

NourNasreldin's avatar


Beautiful movie. Great script. Acting is very theatrical. Brilliant long shots. Very amusing too
10 years 7 months ago
Zeltaebar's avatar


Well, I certainly liked it, but perhaps not as much as I first anticipated. The technique, of making the movie seem to have been shot in one long take, is interesting when it comes to maintaining pace and focus, while giving it the feeling of watching a theater play. James Stewart is suitably intense in the role as the nosy headmaster suspecting foul play from his two former diciples. A lot of the movie hinges on psychology heavily influenced by the short story The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe, but also Crime and Punishment by Fjodor Dostojevsky. Then the internal psycological struggles become external in a kind of cat and mouse play between the two friends and the headmaster. There are many strengths to this story, obviously well directed and well acted, and it is perfectly well rounded as a singular unit of light suspense from start to finish. But see, there lies my problem, a unit of light suspense. The movie is very predictable and i don't really care for any of the characters. Actually I didn't mind wheather they got away with murder or not. The whole movie felt just like a mildly amusing (due to some funny dialogue) observation of highly skilled movie crafting. I admire it, but I was not moved by it.
10 years 10 months ago
Hippiemans's avatar


A true classic. The dialogues, the actors, the camerawork are all superb!
12 years 2 months ago
Rigters's avatar


I liked this movie. The camerawork is what surprises me most. Feels very different to watch a movie of this type. Also the movie has one of the greatest plots I've ever seen. The humor that the actors used in their roles was very great!
11 years 3 months ago
Earring72's avatar


One of my favorite Hitchcock movies. Shot like a one take play, great cast, thrills and wicked humor
3 years 12 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Funny I should watch Rope the same week as Birdman, because this too is meant to look like a single continuous take. Based on a play, it's also meant to play out in real time (which Birdman does not), and indeed, the acting and dialog are rather theatrical. Which is fine by me. The continuity of it is another "rope" to follow in this tight thriller about a couple of sociopaths who strangle a fellow student for the artistry of it, then invite various people he knew to a dinner party unknowingly held over his makeshift casket, in a sense daring their former professor (Jimmy Stewart) to catch them. Absent any real positive figure to hang your sympathy on - even Stewart's "detective" has a nasty role to play in the boys' murder - this is a very funny black comedy. Oscar Wilde meets Edgar Alan Poe, if you will. Quite fun, and a strong technical achievement, no matter what the screenwriter says in the making of (he's really rather critical of the visuals)
8 years 11 months ago
TanteGazeuse's avatar


I liked the way time, place and action are in unison, which makes the suspense even more tangible. For instance, while some people are in one room, you cannot wait to see what they have been up to in the other one. It is hard to keep a plot this simple while still so exciting.

I rewinded it to catch Hitchcock's cameo , which is supposed to be somewhere outside in the background, but failed to find it.
11 years 8 months ago
Rohit's avatar


Dial M for Murder is great, but this has James Stewart, for cryin' out loud!
12 years ago
patato's avatar


Fantastic! I love the illusion of the non stop play!
12 years 6 months ago
orloffm's avatar


12 years 9 months ago
deb_'s avatar


Great camera work by Hitchcock (the whole movie appears to be one long shot giving it a theatrical feel). Witty dialogues, superb acting by John Dall & James Stewart but the plot & climax are not its strongest suit.
8 years 11 months ago
Flops's avatar


Very cool movie.
10 years 11 months ago
Larusso's avatar


Fantastic! It's really funny as well.
11 years 1 month ago
Fortitudine's avatar


Quite possibly one of the most brilliant pieces of cinematic gold I have ever seen in all my years.
12 years 3 months ago
brainfabias's avatar


One of the best Hitchcock movies...
12 years 4 months ago

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