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Siskoid's avatar


Set in the diverse Toronto neighborhood of Scarborough, the film of that name follows three low-income families - one white, one Native, one Filipino, focusing on the easy friendship that blooms between a child from each, but also the hardships suffered by parents who are trying to do their best with the meagre tools available. One such tool is a literacy center where they congregate every day, hosted by the empathetic Miss Hina who always seems to know what to say, blazingly well played by Aliya Kanani. It can be difficult to watch young children in difficult situations - one in particular walks through the film clearly traumatized - but there are also moments of innocent grace and the crazy games you make up and require zero money. Scarborough is charming, but it's also incredibly moving - just grips your heart and doesn't let go (I'm writing this through tears two days after seeing it) - and I assume like the novel it's based on, it uses the town's diversity as a strength, showing a multiplicity of perspectives and realities within a microcosm a few kilometers in area.
6 months 3 weeks ago
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