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Siskoid's avatar


While it was a rather different animal than the first film, it was still an excellent entertainment. One might make the complaint that there's less mystery and more action in this one, but Moriarty deserves this more epic, international scope, and that great triple fight finale. Watson and his wife Mary get much more to do (the former getting his own nemesis), and even Sherlock's brother Mycroft (Stephen Fry) makes a delicious contribution. Guy Ritchie does go overboard with both the gay subtext and the "master of disguise" elements, but they come off as amusing rather than irritating. If you're looking for "more of the same, but different", I think you won't be disappointed by this particular sequel.
8 years 8 months ago
moviewizguy's avatar


Terrific action adventure flick. I actually prefer this one over the first with its bigger scope and far more memorable villain. It's consistently entertaining and the action scene in the forest is a technical marvel. How did they do that?
11 years 4 months ago
Joker of Gotham's avatar

Joker of Gotham

The two movies were very good, Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law are amazing actors. waiting for the third
11 years 9 months ago
aniforprez's avatar


people have been bashing this movie for ages. personally i feel if you saw the first one, you know exactly how the next one will turn out. a borderline-sociopathic genius with his slightly confused but smart sidekick goes around town bashing bad guys, being awesome and clairvoyant, and a final showdown revealing great mystery and suspense.

i expected more of the same and got it, enjoying all of it thoroughly. slow-motion set-pieces were excellent, lead cast were all great but Harris who could have put a little more substance to the narcissistic egomaniac that is Moriarty. spoiler

i think people just bash it because they got their dose of Sherlock from the series which was a little more true to the original and hence like to nitpick this one which is clearly intended as a blockbuster.
11 years 10 months ago
IreneAdler's avatar


A really wonderful sequel. Very humorous and exciting, like the first part... great actors, great entertainment. Thumbs up!
9 years 8 months ago
samfenn's avatar


Personally I think this was pretty much as good as the first one, which I loved.
11 years 11 months ago
superpea's avatar


I love it! it was more of a comedy though, I spent more time laughing at it (not because I think it's bad though, because they meant it to be that way!) than following the plot and the plot sort of all caught up at the end.

But it's good! I know it's different from the books but Sherlock Holmes stories have been adapted so many times over the years that it's nice to see something different.

I think it was really enjoyable, a very casual and light movie with really great actors (Stephen Fry and Jared Harris make great additions!) nothing more to it!

Quite recommended for a casual movie night.
12 years ago
Scratch47's avatar


Just came back from watching it. First impressions? Pros: Dark, urgent, fast paced, with great bookend sequences: the train sequence and final, brilliant 'chess game' are particularly notable, and a few rather alarming moments. Cons: Soggy middle, overuse of slow motion in action sequences (trying too hard to be modern and cool), and Noomi Rapace is largely wasted, and the characters are secondary to the whiplash pace. That said, the strength and intensity carry the film quite well, and it stands a little better than most of the 'fun but ultimately forgettable' adventures that pervade the marketplace these days. I myself am longing for another adventure that can carry style, emotional charge, relevant moral complexity, absorbing characters, and stunning realistic action, but the last time that all happened together at the same time for me, was with The Dark Knight. We can't demand ALL films be so cohesive though, and so this was time well spent.
12 years 4 months ago
DerekFME's avatar


Too long but the central Holmes/Watson relationship is as strong as ever. The plot was largely irrelevant in this instance, just an excuse to have sherlock and watson on a jolly jape. The fight scenes were often poor though as they were so rapidly edited you couldn't see much. Which is a complain for a lot of the film actually, it's very dim. Good job it wasn't in 3D.
12 years 4 months ago
frankqb's avatar


A palpable boring-ness exudes even the most heightened of action sequences in this poor sequel. The plot, while ultimately simple and criminally clever, is so poorly explained that the audience is lost for the first hour and a half of the film. Much of the film is given over to Holmes yutzing around like a fool. The editing and pacing of the third act is particularly grim. There are nonetheless a few wonderful action sequences and a few moments of genuine suspense, but, within 130 minutes of film, they are too few and far between to sustain a viewer's genuine interest.
12 years 4 months ago
danisanna's avatar


Not my favourite Sherlock Holmes adaptation and unfortunatelly the movie wasn't to my liking.
8 years 7 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Dissapointing sequel, overlong, dull story and not enough excitement. Looked great though with terific production values.
9 years 8 months ago
AdGuzman's avatar


I agree not enjoyable as the first part, it seems to me that the ending was the only part of the script well crafted, interesting, truly clever... more like the Sherlock we all expected BUT the ending doesn't make the whole movie at all /:
11 years 12 months ago
nastik's avatar


The first part was way better. This movie had action and comedy in it, but it wasn't as interesting as the first one. I actually didn't really get what it was all about, but I love Jude Law and Robert Downey Jr, so they made the movie quite enjoyable.
12 years ago
MrDoog's avatar


This was crap.

It was a mixture of Jason Bourne fighting, Matrix slo-mo action and topped off with the vain desperation of the Oceans films in attempting to be super cool and slick.

It tries to be elaborate and intelligent. It fails. The jokes don't work, mainly because, well, they aren't funny. For so much action put into these two hours, it was amazing just how boring this movie was.

There appears to be a character called Sherlock Holmes and he happens to have a sidekick named Watson. Pure coincidence as this film bears absolutely no resemblance to series created by Arthur Conan Doyle... in fact, I think this film will have him turning in his grave.
12 years ago

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