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Siskoid's avatar


Slow Learners, AKA Bad Boys, Crazy Girls, is a rom-com starring Adam Pally and Sarah Burns as nerdy high school employees unlucky in love who decide to reinvent themselves over the summer to change their romantic fates. What happens is that they become worse people, to the point where you're not sure you want to watch them anymore, until they finally give in to the rom-com cliché you knew was in the cards all along. Even when Pally is a "bad boy", you can tell his real self is still hiding underneath, at least, but Burns' character goes so off the rails, you can't tell if the likeable girl you met in the first act is still in there, which is a major flaw. The movie also has a television feel, as far as framing and pacing go, that doesn't do it any favors either. Not bad, as the premise has some value, but a little dull.
7 years 10 months ago
yukononun's avatar


Siskoid, you are absolutely right.
Pally is great, his character development is written (and performed) well and is completely believable. Burns, though? Not so much. She came across like she was a douche all along, and all she was doing was letting her true colours show. Many of her scenes became cringe-worthy, and I found myself relieved when Pally came back on-screen. (Seriously though, he's fantastic. That lisp and face he does in the beginning? Perfection.)

I enjoyed the film, but I would've enjoyed it a whole lot more if she was written better. Obviously, there were other flaws as well, but she was the main problem for me.
It's a good film that could've been great.
6 years 3 months ago
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