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yukononun's avatar


Randomly decided to watch this on Netflix the other day, and I have to admit that I regretted it. It was very hard to slug through the movie, mainly due to the fact that Spooner himself was a very unlike-able person. Not because he was awkward or still lived with his parents, but because, to me, he was a jerk.

Aside from the female lead, the only other thing I really liked about the film was the ending. It actually made the rest of it worthwhile, because spoiler I'm not sure if it was the ending itself and/or because I had to sit through 80 minutes of that, but the ending left me smiling.

I don't mean to be so harsh. I'm sure there are people out there who loved this (it won awards, right?), but it definitely is not something I would ever recommend. Mainly because spoiler
9 years 4 months ago
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