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frankqb's avatar


While the action, acting and overall chemistry between Redford and Pitt is great, and the Langley side of the story works well, the overall story told through the past recollections of Redford's character lacks gravitas and thread. Still, there is much to admire here. Scott's visual style, Redford's coolness, and the script itself are all worthy elements of a solid film.

Perhaps it will age better in my memory, but for now it is only slightly better than average despite having a great script.
11 years 1 month ago
Earring72's avatar


Redford and Pitt are a nice duo in this tense spy drama. Well made
3 years ago
Siskoid's avatar


At the start of Tony Scott's Spy Game, CIA operative Brad Pitt is caught in China and everyone at the Agency wants a reason to burn him, everyone except Robert Redford, his handler, who plays a dangerous game to save his boy from his more politically-minded colleagues. Obviously, Scott is going to do a lot of stylish stuff with the look and sound of the film - not all of it works, but I like the crazy Hong Kong cinema tricks - but it's the structure that's most unusual. As the clock ticks down, Redford's character will be giving briefings about what makes Pitt's tick, and so we get the relevant points of a spy's career from recruitment to potentially going rogue on a personal mission. As the movie progresses, twin intrigues develop - one is the revelation, clue by clue, of why Pitt was in China; and the other is Redford working behind the scenes to save Pitt without his superiors finding out. Spy Game has a lot of momentum and urgency for a film that, in "real time", is about people talking in a conference room. It works on an intellectual plane if not an emotional one.
8 years 5 months ago
fkos's avatar


Great film, one that I always seem to come back to.
12 years 1 month ago
Ceejzor's avatar


Love Redford & Pitt, however I did not like how they did the storyline involding the flashbacks of Pitt's character and Redfords.

The movie was watchable, but only once.
10 years 6 months ago
Armoreska's avatar


Detestable script, editing and music. Can't believe I wanted to rewatch it. Hated it on TV during my teens, hate it now even more.
8 years 9 months ago
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