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Emiam's avatar


Almost as good as part one. The mom's parents and Steve Buscemi are fun elements.
3 years 2 months ago
Agrimorfee's avatar


Something is lacking in the sequel compared to the first, and I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe it's the direct uninspired nods to Lord of the Rings and Jurassic Park. Maybe the unneccesary vomit/poop/pee jokes. Maybe because Emily Osment does not have any acting chops unlike her brother Haley Joel. Or not enough Alan Cumming & Tony Shaloub.
10 years 11 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


My friend who highly rates the Spy Kids franchise recently told me, about the second film, Island of Lost Dreams, and I quote, "Chef's kiss". And yes, I probably had a better reaction to than the first, but perhaps I'm starting to hack the appeal of Robert Rodriguez's kid films. I think they are essentially animated features in live action (or mostly live action, given how much green screen he uses). In a way, they're Sin City for the younger set, and if they were completely animated, I dare say people (myself included) would have a better reaction to their silliness. As is, its formal in-betweenness makes me cold towards them. I can still appreciate that Spy Kids 2 has some fun, inventive gags (especially in regards to the President and his daughter) and keeps the villain in the background, which is a good thing because I find the adults in these things tend to be a little too broad. The parents - and now grandparents! - are stuck in a nothing subplot, but what a great cast. It's just a little hard sometimes to not let the CG creatures and green screen environments pull you out of the movie, is all.
11 months 3 weeks ago
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