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Zeltaebar's avatar


Shaky Cam and CGI delivers anothern modern blockbuster. The tense music, the shaky camera and the fast cuts/editing shouts at me: Look! These action sequences are amazing. I don't feel it in my heart though. Looks and feels like it tries to manipulate me. Hard to get into. I would like to submerge myself in this story - parts of it is really intriguing - but the action is as usual a big turn off. Strange how they put so much emphasize on the action, considering Star Trek is all about ideas and characters - which used to be more appealing.
10 years 8 months ago
dream_tiger's avatar


Overproduced, oversaturated garbage. A bunch of yelling and emotional urgency with no substance. This is a movie produced soley for Apple, Google, Facebook employees and the rest of the tech/Silicon valley industry, Will Wheaton worshipping, Call of Duty/Mass Effect generation. Designed with the products they make, virally talked (advertised) about with the networks they run. It's a product, nothing more. A turd with diamonds sprinkled on it. Its a movie in the same sense that Fox News is news.

Cumberbach had several great scenes though.

Im avoiding all Abrams movies from now on.
9 years 10 months ago
FarazParsa's avatar


Well done, but unambitious.
10 years 11 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Exciting adventure....but understand critics that it doesnt feel like a Star Trek movie but I enjoyed it. Although the first reboot is much better!
9 years 1 month ago
EssexMutant's avatar


They may as well have given Nicholas Meyer a screenwriting credit considering the number of his lines that were ripped off or paraphrased in this film.
10 years 12 months ago
Scratch47's avatar


I admit, I used to be one of the hugest Trek fans one could hope for as a kid. Now I look back and can see how the franchise has progressed over the years, and can see how this particular iteration fits into the canon. It's one of the finest films I've ever seen visually and sonically - the production design cannot be faulted in any way. There is incredible spectacle and relentless pace. The central 4 actors (Pine, Weller, and *particularly* a sadistic and volatile Cumberbatch; and an amazing, collected, conflicted, sharp Quinto) all prove their weight, the dialogue is snappy, and overall it remains a digestible and pleasing full-throttle combination of original-series camp, TNG pontification, and DS9 dramatic conflict, as filtered through a crowd-pleasing popcorn filter: it hits all the bases and rockets from setpiece to setpiece. There are several surprising about-faces in a complex, political narrative (even what was a seemingly excessive marketing campaign was in fact smartly misleading on more than a few plot points), and many inside jokes that will please the diehards to boot. It took me a while to appreciate it on a more substantial level until I realised the meat of the thematics: the nature of sacrificing for what once considers family, be it crew or country, a journey that all central 4 actors play out to the hilt with some real and meaningful consequences. Though the plot seems full of holes to some, the events are well-orchestrated to the ends of character development and contemporary comparison. Even if it doesn't breathe deep enough into its best intentions to seem anything less than threadbare to some, it's exciting enough to justify some (admittedly rather careless) contrivances in writing. Frankly, those who decide to hate Abrams Trek for its roots in flashy action vis-a-vis philosophical technobabble will find enough to hate here under a banner of 'marketing-driven patchy cynicism', but that's just playing nerd-stuck-in-the-mud Rorschach test, then refusing to acknowledge any other *kind* of substance or evolution, condemning this work by a yardstick of pre-existing criteria, and rationalizing a desire to complain and nitpick after the fact, because they as fans are mad that their baby got a facelift. That's fine, Trek can evolve just fine without that attitude, and at least this is fun and not not stiff faux-cerebral stuffiness like the worst of its' TV-based counterparts.
It's not perfect, lazy even - it's perhaps still too stooped in the existing mythology to carve new ground; right down to borrowing model designs and plot elements, some of the characters get short shrift, and the ending is far too sudden and tidy spoiler, but it's a more than satisfactory addition to be sure. Continuing Trek's redemption from mediocre trope-ferreting, it's a real adventure that you should see on the biggest screen you can find.
11 years ago
EltonG's avatar


Benedict Cumberbatch put in a very good performance but the ending almost ruined the whole film, a shame because the rest was pretty enjoyable.
11 years ago
invisiblecities's avatar


it was so boring.
10 years 7 months ago
muddi900's avatar


An uninspired sequel to one of the best blockbusters of all time, which is also a half-assed and badly remake of one of the supposedly best entries in the franchise. Mind-numbingly boring.
10 years 8 months ago
aeng's avatar


good, but the original is a thousand times better.
10 years 8 months ago
boulderman's avatar


lens flare (bore) fest
10 years 8 months ago
the3rdman's avatar


Maybe the first movie I have seen with believable CGI. I was really impressed. Quite thin plot-wise, but generally well-executed. I still prefer the original Khan. I look forward to more exploration in the next film though, it's about time they take up the Star Trek mandate.
10 years 10 months ago
Duke of Omnium's avatar

Duke of Omnium

Up until the last 10 minutes, this movie was merely mediocre. Then it got bad. Not to mention the lens flares.
10 years 11 months ago
ItsDietrich's avatar


Enjoyable movie let down by the final 10 minutes. Benedict Cumberbatch performs well.
11 years ago
fungus's avatar


Well, I must say I was really disappointed. Just another text-book action movie. Nothing new under the sun. Tedious long fight scenes. An abundance of ridiculous saved-in-the-last-second-of-the-countdown scenes. But missing what star trek really is about.
11 years ago

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