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mrpinbert's avatar


Trippy movie.

The story lacks something to make it a "classic" but if you're looking for a fun movie, this is your choice.

Great soundtrack too.
7 years 9 months ago
Agrimorfee's avatar


Poorly directed, awful script, nutty plotting and casting, vying to be a low rent Exorcist or Carrie and succeeds at it, thanks to the auspices of the City Of Atlanta. Great midnight movie, seriously don't miss it!
6 years ago
Siskoid's avatar


The Visitor starts and ends like Jodorowsky made The Omen. In the middle, it's more like The Exorcist meets The Birds (indeed, its bird attack sequences are the best I've seen). It stars the likes of Lance Henriksen, Glenn Ford, Shelley Winters, John Huston, and Sam Peckinpah (what a crazy cast). The little devil girl is easy to hate and a real monster - I've never felt so menaced by a gymnastics routine, and there's no better action skating in the cinematic canon. This thing is Nutty, with a capital N, and I'm giving it higher than normal marks for sheer ballsiness and, despite the DNA I seem to give it, originality. But is it actually good? I say yes. It translates the battle between God and Satan into a near-Lovecraftian myth, with aliens and mute ants (their wacky pronunciation, not mine), and sends us into metaphysical territory before we're through. I quite like the coda, which is a completely different way to bring this kind of material to a close. My only complaint is the funky '70s score that feels inappropriate to the story. But this is definitely one that has to be seen to be believed, so you should endeavor to see it and thank me (or curse me) later.
4 years 8 months ago
Alec Chalmers's avatar

Alec Chalmers

Seems a shame this one isn't in any lists at all. Much more fun than 90% of the movies on lists that I've watched.
1 year 4 months ago
senorroboto's avatar


aka The Visitor
9 years 3 months ago
Torgo's avatar


My God, John Huston ..
10 years 1 month ago
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