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Siskoid's avatar


Donnie Yen is a cop undercover as a hoodlum, yearning to be a real cop if he can only fulfill One Last Mission(TM) in Special ID, an action spectacular that, on a plot level, isn't as good as Kill Zone or Flashpoint, but is definitely meant to follow in their footsteps in terms of the action itself. Taking a page from Supercop, Donnie is sent to Mainland China to help apprehend a former gang brother who's getting to big for his britches and has to team up with a cop over there (Jing Tian). Tian is actually really strong in the fighting and stunt category, but they unfortunately write her as either unreasonable or cheesy, and in fact, all her scenes with Donnie are suspect as a result. While the third act creates a lot of tension around the consequences of betrayal, you're really here for the action, and on the front, no complaints. The fights are fun, and there's a great chase/vehicular warfare sequence - most of it done for real - filled with cool and exciting gags.
1 year 2 months ago
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