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122 min.
Simon Kinberg
Action, Thriller
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3.4% (1:29)
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  1. Siskoid's avatar


    If I am somewhat positive about The 355, it's undoubtedly because it was prefaced by one of the worst (and pointlessly long) trailers of the year. So the fact that no, in fact, the trailer didn't tell me everything is a minor miracle. It also doesn't feel like the trailer, generally more grounded and somber than the Mission Impossible meets Charlie's Angels hybrid we were promised. That said, it never escapes the clichés of the genre, but rather runs right into them. And while it's easier to accept genre tropes in a genre movie (MacGuffins, unsurprising betrayals, etc.), I'm less forgiving of cliched dialog, and there's a LOT of that here. You almost want to do call and response at the screen like you're at a Rocky Horror Picture Show screening. Competent action scenes in interesting spaces, and good actresses (Penélope Cruz perhaps the most engaging as a so-called "normal person"), but will I remember anything from this in a few months? It's the same old thing, except starring women. I'm all for that, but if you want to make it fresh and new, it needs to be about more than the casting, y'know? By all means, let's have more women-led action flicks, but let's also make it worth their while. 2 years 3 months ago
  2. Forzelius's avatar


    The plot was ridiculous in Sneakers 30 years ago, it's ridiculous now. Still there was something pure about it if you switch your brain off. 2 years 2 months ago
  3. Neens's avatar


    It seems Netflix films come with so much money, such great casts and such high viewing numbers that plot and credibility have become completely irrelevant. I could list the plot holes and continuity errors, but I have already wasted enough time of this film. Still, Jessica Chastain's wardrobe choices for ensuring she is incognito while pursuing bad guys (which naturally includes high heels) deserves a special mention. Also the fact that her character is being permitted to chase down the spoiler but then immediately opts to follow another person is decidedly odd. Then again, what agency bosses would actually have put these women on the case? And how do they get hold of transport, comms etc when they are on the run even from their own agencies? Not to mention that the whole 'women can do everything, we can be soft, we can be hard, we can be international super spies and kill people for a living while maintaining relationships, having children and avert WW3' message is just a teeeeensy bit on the nose. Not saying it isn't true, of course. Just saying there's something to be said for subtlety and nuance. All the goodies are women and all the baddies are men. And obviously only women are able to cooperate, and the baddest baddie survives, ensuring the possibility of a sequel.

    It's entertaining enough if you can disengage your brain, but if you are cursed with a few "little grey cells" then do yourself a favour and skip this one.
    4 months 4 weeks ago
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