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thyron's avatar


You'll like this better if your interested in
– a young Timothée Chalamet

I liked it.
8 months 1 week ago
Siskoid's avatar


The Adderall Diaries is Pamela Romanowsky's adaptation of writer Stephen Elliott's memoir, which is really about how we edit and reconfigure our memories into stories that make sense of our behavior, highlighting the impossibility of proper autobiography. True enough, but the film doesn't really manage to make the many threads of Elliott's life come together to make a point about that theme. At first, you think it's going to be a film created in editing, disjointed but beautiful, Proustian. It doesn't stick with it. The scenes between James Franco's Elliott and his father played by Ed Harris are a highlight and get to the heart of the subject, but the writer's interest in a murder case proves to be something of a red herring, not truly connected to the theme, though I suppose that hardly matters to Elliott's psyche; it's still part of his thought process. A still watchable failure.
6 years 4 months ago
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